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I simply said, "If you call this camping out, all right but it isn't the style I am used to; my little baggage that I brought along is at a discount." It grew dark, and they put candles on the tables candles set in bright, new, brazen candlesticks. And soon the bell a genuine, simon-pure bell rang, and we were invited to "the saloon."

But the surprise rose higher still when the dame, with a body oozing easy indifference at every pore, but eyes that gave it all away by absolutely flaming with vanity, slowly unfolded an actual simon-pure tablecloth and spread it. That was a notch above even the blacksmith's domestic grandeurs, and it hit him hard; you could see it. But Marco was in Paradise; you could see that, too.

He was wise enough to count himself an old fogy, a provincial, and "a simon-pure habitant," but of the three he only had any knowledge of life. As men of the world the Cure and the Notary were sad failures, though they stood for much in Chaudiere. Yet this detracted nothing from the fine gentlemanliness of the Cure or the melodramatic courtesy of the Notary.

It was as if some mocking voice was saying: "This is Miriam Monfort, the true Miriam; the person you have known before as such was only making believe but the Simon-pure is before you, a volume of folly that all who run may read! Behold her she was never half so evident before!" But to digress thus in the very moment of detection, of recognition, seems irrelevant.

We were both introduced to the belles of the neighborhood. The Doctor was a general favorite with them, which fact caused considerable jealousy among not a few of the young gentlemen present. Taking in the situation, I took special pains to say to all the boys that the Doctor was a nice old fellow, and meant no harm. Finally, about ten o'clock, the Simon-pure aristocracy appeared on the scene.

It was the first pitched battle between simon-pure Americans but the Revolution was near and after this the Americans were to do their own fighting. The lines were over a mile long, rarely more than twenty yards apart, frequently less than six yards apart, and sometimes mingling. The armies were equal. Both sides fought Indian fashion, from behind trees and brush.

Whether this queer inconsistency comes of simon-pure inquisitiveness, to hear what one will say in reply, or whether they derive a certain amount of inquisitorial pleasure from raising a person's expectations one moment so as to witness his disappointment the next, is a question I prefer to leave to others, but more than once am I brought into contact with this peculiarity during the few brief hours I stay at Aivan-i-Kaif.

The good-natured smile on MacDonald's face faded in a look of incredulity. He took the pipe from his mouth. "Spurious first editions?" "Yeah, I sure took a beating today but I couldn't help laughing over it afterwards. Here I've been thinking of you folks as simon-pure numbers. But I got to hand it to you. You sure took me in with Smyth's Atomic Energy as being a genuine first edition."

Now over at Harvard, where they grow the English Accent, a Student must grind through a long Course, and a Fellowship and an Instructorship before he blossoms into a simon-pure Professor. Which only goes to show that the Real Boy can gain by one stroke of Genius the Renown for which the ordinary Skates must go forth and Rustle.

There is no whitewash or veneer about my Catholicity." Despite the quizzical good-humor of the priest, there was a touch of seriousness in his voice, and Saunders hastened to explain. "I didn't mean it quite that way, Father only it strikes me that there is always a difference between what I call the 'simon-pure Catholic' and the one that wasn't born a Catholic." "Well, Mr.