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Near Shepton Mallet, on the return tramp, his gangsmen fell in with a party armed with sticks and knives, who "beat and cut them in a very cruel manner." The main considerations entering into the dispatch of pressed men to the fleet, when at length their period of detention at headquarters came to an end, were economy, speed and safety.

But the manner in which I was bandied about, by false information, from pillar to post, or at other times driven quite out of my way by the presence of the King's soldiers, may be known by the names of the following towns, to which I was sent in succession, Bath, Frome, Wells, Wincanton, Glastonbury, Shepton, Bradford, Axbridge, Somerton, and Bridgwater.

The finest wood roof is at Shepton Mallet; there are others of great merit also at Somerton, Long Sutton, Martock, St Mary's, Taunton, Evercreech. Good examples of ancient glass occur at Trull, Nettlecombe, Curry Rivel, Winscombe, Broomfield, E. Brent. Interesting brasses are preserved at Banwell, Hutton, Middlezoy, Tintinhull, Yeovil, Dowlishwake, St Decuman's, Beckington, Bishop's Lydeard.

She looked up at Mrs. Shepton with the childish air of one both hungry for gossip and conscious of the naughtiness of it. Mrs. Shepton laughed again. She had never seen anyone behave worse, she reflected, than Lady Driffield to this little Manchester person, who might be uninteresting, but was quite inoffensive. 'Friends! I should think so. An armed neutrality is all that pays with Lady Driffield.

The dark oak roof of the chancel is of the same date. Some fine candelabra hang from the roof beams. The remains of a village cross stand at the bottom of the pathway leading to the church. An old house at the Shepton end of the village was an ancient hostelry, and is worth inspection. Behind the church is the old manor house with a Perp. window. Overhanging the road to Shepton is Ham Wood.

A few old houses the relics of the old cloth-working days may be found amongst the crowd of cottages on the banks of the stream. The road to Wells runs through a beautiful valley, which, by some sinister inspiration, has been chosen as the site of the town sewage works. Shepton Montague, a village 2 m. S. from Bruton. The church stands by the side of the railway some distance away from the houses.

Shepton laughed, and threw back the flapping green gauze veil with which she generally shrouded a freckled and serviceable complexion, in no particular danger, one would have thought, of spoiling. Lucy instinctively looked round to see how near they were to the house, and whether there were any windows open. 'It must be very difficult, I should think, to be to be friends with Lady Driffield.

In Order to make it more agreeable to their Friends in the West, have engaged to set out Post Chaises from the Christopher Inn, in Wells, every Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday Evenings, at Five o'clock, to stop at the George Inn, at Shepton Mallet, and set out from thence at a Quarter past Six, to carry Passengers and Parcels to Frome, to be forwarded from thence to London in the One Day Flying Machine, which began on Sunday the 12th of April, 1767; Also a Chaise from Frome every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Evenings to Shepton and Wells, as soon as the Coach arrives from London, if any Passengers, &c. go down, at the following Prices: from Wells to Frome Four Shillings, from Shepton Three Shillings, small parcels from Wells to Frome 6d. each, from Shepton 4d., large ditto a Halfpenny per Pound from each place.

In the north the hardy Yorkshiremen and Lancastrians recked not for rain and storms, and few covered-in crosses can be found. You will find some beautiful specimens of these at Malmesbury, Chichester, Somerton, Shepton Mallet, Cheddar, Axbridge, Nether Stowey, Dunster, South Petherton, Banwell, and other places.

Saxon, however, planted a regiment of pikes on either side, so that they broke up again and glinted off over the hills. From Wells we marched upon the twenty-fourth to Shepton Mallet, with the ominous sabres and helmets still twinkling behind and on either side of us.