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For this river, with its rapid current and vindictive swirling eddies, is dangerous to young swimmers; it grips them in its tawny coils and holds them fast, often within a few yards of friend or parent who listens, powerless to help, to the victim's cries of anguish and sees his arm raised imploringly out of that serpent-like embrace.

Duke came near and laid his head against his master's shoulder, and the twilight deepened around them both. Far up the neighboring mountain a mighty engine loomed out from the gathering darkness a fiery-headed monster and with its long train of coaches crawled serpent-like around the rocky height, then vanished as it came.

Is my happiness of less value in your eyes than the few paltry dollars my mother expended for you?" "Shall I, serpent-like, sting the hand that has fed me? No! no! would I had never heard those words. We were so happy you will be happy again but I leave me, I pray you, for we must part now and for ever oh! leave me." "No, Lucy, we will never part I will never leave you."

Payson's inspection of the performers in this strange concert was anything but satisfactory to him. The manner of the savages was impudent and brutal beyond anything he had yet seen in them, and he fancied that their sneering and malignant grimaces and serpent-like contortions of the body expressed evil and vengeful passions that burned within.

"Before the polluting hands of one who disdains the Classics shall be laid upon your sacred extremities this tenacious person will fix upon his antagonist with a serpent-like embrace and, if necessary, suffer the spirits of both to Pass Upward in one breath." And to impress Tsin Lung with his resolution he threw away his scabbard and picked it up again several times.

What spirit possesses you?" asked Margie, filled, in spite of herself, with a curious premonition of evil. Alexandrine sat down by the side of her friend, and looked searchingly into her face, her great black eyes holding Margie with a sort of serpent-like fascination. "Margaret, you love this Archer Trevlyn very dearly do you not?"

A capricious gust from the beating wings of the storm swooped down upon him sideways, as he twisted the ropes and tugged at them in a herculean effort to balance the plunging boat and keep her upright, and in the loud serpent-like hiss of the waves around him, he did not hear his companion's wild warning cry a cry of despair and farewell in one!

Yet there are few subjects, I think, which might be made more interesting than geography, and a map may often serve to suggest delightful fancies to a boy or girl of imagination. Open your atlas at random and see what it has to tell you. Here, perhaps in the heart of a great continent, stretches a mountain range, and from it in many directions wind those serpent-like lines which denote rivers.

It was called the Deid Pot; and the old awe, amounting nearly to terror, with which in his childhood he had regarded it, returned upon him, the moment he saw the dark gleam of it, nearly as strong as ever an awe indescribable, arising from mingled feelings of depth, and darkness, and lateral recesses, and unknown serpent-like fishes.

I remembered the snake part of him. Judging from the ratio of diminution, which I have mentioned before, that part, if hanging down, must reach nearly, if not quite, to the ground. By taking advantage of this means of descent I might be saved, but the feat would require dexterity and an immense amount of faith. This serpent-like portion of the animal was invisible.