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Updated: July 31, 2024

"Give it up, acushla," said the wife, "you see there's no screwin' a promise out of him, let alone a penny." "What 'ud yees have me do?" said the old man, raising his voice. "Won't he have all I'm worth? Who else is to have it? Am I to make a beggar of myself to please you? Can't they live on your farm till I die, an' thin it'll all come to them?"

Some men are born, you see, wi' narves that are for ever screwin' at 'em, an' ticklin' of 'em up; an' other men have narves that always keep smoothin' of 'em down. The last are the pleasantest to have to do with, no doubt, but the others ain't quite so bad as they look sometimes. Their bark is worse than their bite."

Gin I haena the rheumateese screwin' awa' atween my shoothers the nicht it wonna be their fau'ts; for as I cam' ower frae the ironmonger's there, I jist got a ba' i' the how o' my neck, 'at amaist sent me howkin' wi' my snoot i' the snaw. And there it stack, and at this preceese moment it's rinnin' doon the sma' o' my back as gin 't war a burnie doon a hillside. We maun hae mair constables!"

"I hain't got a darn thing t' worry me. 'F my woman wants me ter have to git a boat an' row out for the 'Lizy Rodgers' on high tide, an' not git home till sun-up, I don't care. What ye screwin' my head into hey?" "Merely a head-rest, sir; merely an assistance toward composing the ah features."

"What gart ye speir than? What for sud a body come screwin' up a straucht stair noo the face an' noo the back o' her?" But that's naething to the p'int.

This brought down on him the farmer, who roared, "Thought! Ye thought! What d'ye mean? Speak out, and don't be thinkin'. Thought? What the devil's that?" "How could he see who it was on a pitch-dark night?" Richard put in. "Thought!" the farmer bellowed louder. "Thought Devil take ye, when ye took ye oath on't. Hulloa! What are ye screwin' yer eye at Mr. Feverel for?

Pull up your shtockin's, Hamlut, sez I, 'Hamlut, Hamlut, for the love av decincy dhrop that skull an' pull up your shtockin's. The whole house begun to tell him that. He stopped his soliloquishms mid-between. 'My shtockin's may be comin' down or they may not, sez he, screwin' his eye into the gallery, for well he knew who I was.

I'd bin cruisin' about her off an' on for a considerable time, tryin' to make up my mind to go into action, an' screwin' my courage up to the stickin' pint by recallin' all the fine sentiments that has carried Jack-tars through fire an' smoke, shot and shell since the world began `England expects every man to do his dooty, `Never say die, `Hookey Bunkum, an' such like.

The whole house begun to tell him that. He stopped his soliloquishms mid-between. "My shtockin's may be comin' down or they may not," sez he, screwin' his eye into the gallery, for well he knew who I was. "But afther this performince is over me an' the Ghost 'll trample the tripes out av you, Terence, wid your ass's bray!" An' that's how I come to know about Hamlut. Eyah! Those days, those days!

This brought down on him the farmer, who roared, "Thought! Ye thought! What d'ye mean? Speak out, and don't be thinkin'. Thought? What the devil's that?" "How could he see who it was on a pitch-dark night?" Richard put in. "Thought!" the farmer bellowed louder. "Thought Devil take ye, when ye took ye oath on't. Hulloa! What are ye screwin' yer eye at Mr. Feverel for?

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