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On their way to the Sanhedrin they led Jesus down the street which passed Pilate's house, and as they went they cried to him with riotous laughter, "Thou shalt become a laughing stock for the whole nation!" Balbus said unto him scoffingly, "Make haste! Thy disciples are quite ready to proclaim thee King of Israel."

"And I warn you." continued Earnscliff, "that your only way to prove your son's innocence is to give us quiet admittance to search the house." "And what will ye do, if I carena to thraw the keys, or draw the bolts, or open the grate to sic a clamjamfrie?" said the old dame, scoffingly.

'Yes, said Lawford, 'but you see, this was not our earthly life. It was between US. 'Listen, listen to the dear mystic! exclaimed the old creature scoffingly. 'What depths we're touching. Here's the first serious break of his lifetime, and he's gone stark staring transcendental. Ah well. He paused and glanced quickly about him, with his curious bird-like poise of head.

Endymion rather started, looked up for a moment at his sister, and then withdrew as hastily an agitated glance, and then with his eyes on the ground said, in a voice half murmuring, and yet scoffingly: "I should like to see Mr. Neuchatel's face were I to ask permission to marry his daughter.

The Colonel laughed scoffingly. "Well, when Milton K. Rogers don't know which side his bread's buttered on! I don't understand," he added thoughtfully, "how he's always letting it fall on the buttered side. But such a man as that is sure to have a screw loose in him somewhere." Mrs. Lapham sat discomfited.

A little staggered and abashed, the man muttered something that sounded half like an apology; and then, shaking himself free from Horace's grasp, pointed with his pipe across the green, and said scoffingly, "'Tain't of no use speaking to me. If you wants a good hard piece to try your hand on, see what you can do with Ruby Grigg yonder;" saying which, he plunged back into the beer-shop.

He might have excused her with the remark that just on such was an accidental inequality the more dangerous. "What bright, particular star were you worshipping now?" he asked scoffingly. "What do you mean by that?" she rejoined in a tone affected by her suffering, which thence, from his lack of sympathy, he took for one of crossness.

In later years, however, I found that he had spoken somewhat scoffingly about me; but I did not stop to reflect as to the truth of this information, or as to the real character of the man, for little by little I had had to accustom myself to the most inconceivable things.

Among the merchants who discoursed thus was a young man called Ambrogiuolo of Piacenza, who fell to making the greatest mock in the world of this last commendation bestowed by Bernabo upon his wife and asked him scoffingly if the emperor had granted him that privilege over and above all other men.

There are no less than four men in the house two servants besides the master and his secretary; and one of those servants, the butler or valet, has firearms, and knows how to use them." "Pshaw!" said Jasper scoffingly; "is that all? Am I not a match for four?" "No, it is not all; you told me the master of the house was a retired elderly man, and you mentioned his name.