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There's bin no end a' sbirros them's the pleecemen, you know miss scourin' the country after them; but don't look so scared-like, cushla, for they ain't found 'em yet, an' that feller Bacri, who, in my opinion, is the honestest man among the whole bilin' of 'em, he's bin an' found out w'ere they're hidin', an " here the seaman's voice descended to a hoarse whisper, while his eyes and wrinkled forehead spoke volumes "an' he's put me in commission to go an help 'em!"

But, as soon as I had spoken, Jemima burst into an Irish wail, mingled with sobs and tears, crying between the convulsions of all three, I thought there was something wrong, mis'ess. You and master looked so scared-like. Please, mis'ess, don't send me away." "I never wanted to send you away, Jemima. You wanted to go yourself." "No, ma'am; that I didn't. I only wanted you to ask me to stop.

It would have been carried into execution for several were prepared to lay hold of him when the maniac, apparently well aware of their intention, scrambled back into his former position; and, cowering down, remained silent and scared-like. It was not probable he would harm any one he was left alone.

But the increased descent down which they had pitched, convinced these wary animals that they had `leaped without looking, and were `in the trap' themselves; and, guessing that whoever had made that trap would soon be alongside, they were as much frightened as the poor doe. In this state we had actually found them cowering and crouching, and more scared-like than the fawns themselves.

Martha stutters, very scared-like, and not taking her eyes off of me to answer him. "Miss Hampton, Martha," I says. "Y-y-y-es, s-sh-she is," says Martha. I wondered what was the matter with her. It is always my luck to get left all alone with my troubles. The doctor and the colonel, they walked right past us when she said yes, and up toward the house, and left her and me standing there.

Then I waited, scared-like. But father, he just looked relieved and he says, says he, 'Goodness, boy, you can be a Presbyterian or anything else you like, so long as it's Protestant. I'm not caring, he says. 'The main thing is that you must be good and do what's right. I tell you," concluded Peter emphatically, "father is a Christian all right."

"A scout has to deduce that's one of the things we learn, and if you heard somebody called 'Old Man Something-or-other, why, you'd deduce something from it, wouldn't you? And you'd be kind of scared-like. But even if you deduce that a man is going to be mad and gruff, kind of, even still you got to remember that you're a scout and if you damaged his property you got to go and tell him, anyway.

"Then after a long time we hears a rustle o' silk petticoats, an' we all grabs holt o' one another an' looks scared-like, out from under our eyebrows. An' then then, Mister Man, they walks into that bunk-house parlour the loveliest-lookin' young feemale woman that ever wore hair. "She was lovelier than Mary Anderson; she was lovelier than Lotta.

"She looked at him so strangely, so anxious and scared-like. I never knew him to be so silent. He's social and talkative, you know such good company. But he hadn't a word to say this morning. Something has gone wrong between him and his wife. I wonder what it can be?" But Mr. and Mrs. Craig, who were not of the gossiping kind, were disposed to keep their own counsel.

"Oh, like many of the young people, all of one pattern." "Light or dark?" "Light, I think." "Was it a tweed suit?" "I almost think it was. What had he been doing anything wrong? He seemed to me to be rather scared-like." "Which way did he go, sir?" "I think he made for that great house, sir." "Come on," said the deputy, and he followed this treacherous indication, hot in pursuit.