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Delaney has intimated to me that you neglect your wife, that you leave her very much at night; and she further intimates, what I feel assured can not well be the case, that you have fallen into other and much more evil habits." "The hag!" "She is all that, and loves you no better now than before. Still, it is well to deprive such people of their scandal-mongering, of the meat for it at least.

'It does not matter; there's many a heavenly body in the lot crowding upon us of a night that mankind had never heard of, it being outside the sphere of its activities and of no earthly importance to anybody but to the astronomers who are paid to talk learnedly about its composition, weight, path the irregularities of its conduct, the aberrations of its light a sort of scientific scandal-mongering.

'Come, now, he said, 'you backbiting, scandal-mongering old liar! What does the Mountain do? Out with it! 'Why, nayther thee nor me was there at the time, gaffer, responded Ichabod, his frosty features still creased with a grin. 'So nayther thee nor me can talk for certain. Can us?

And I'd swear, by all that's holy, Diana Warwick hasn't a spot, not a spot, to reproach herself with. I fancy I ought to know women by this time. And look here, Redworth, last night that is, I mean yesterday evening, I broke with a woman a lady of my acquaintance, you know, because she would go on scandal-mongering about Diana Warwick. I broke with her.

The poverty of the mountain people is naked, but high-minded and unashamed. To comment on it, as I have done, is taken as an impertinence. This is a fine trait, in its way, though rather hard on a descriptive writer whose motives are ascribed to mere vulgarity and a taste for scandal-mongering.

"One can't speak to a chap in the lane that he doesn't know all about it next day," said Margaret. "Peggy hates him; you know the way she skulks about the back garden and up the 'ill so that she may meet young Johnson as he is ridin' home." "I'll have none of this scandal-mongering going on in my kitchen," said Mrs. Latch. "Do you see that girl there? She can't get past to her scullery."

As the gang can be guided to worthy ends, so the energies of the store club and the sewing circle can be turned into channels of usefulness and low talk and scandal-mongering abolished.

The Fortunate Mistress; or, a History of the Life and Vast Variety of Fortunes of Mademoiselle de Beleau.... London: Printed for E. Applebee. 1740. p. 359. Pp. 300-59 are taken from The British Recluse. Some tentative experiments in the way of scandal-mongering may be found in Mrs. Haywood's work even before the first of her Duncan Campbell pamphlets.

He had quarrelled violently with the physicians over the case of Count Borromeo's child which died, and with Borromeo himself, and, almost immediately after this, he published his book, De Astrorum Judiciis, a step which tended to identify him yet more closely with Astrology, and to raise a cry against him in Milan, which he declares to be the most scandal-mongering city in the Universe.

It was all about what delightful people they were, and how even their little weaknesses their love of the bottle, their meannesses, their greed and low cunning only served to make them more charming. Never was there such a funny old dame or one more given to gossip and scandal-mongering!