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In her absence the social duties fell upon Mrs. Dore Lyon, who invariably extended the State's hospitality with grace and tact. The assistant hostess, Mrs. F. P. Applebee, won many friends in the course of the season through her courteous treatment toward all guests. The comfort of the Commission and their house guests was admirably provided for by Miss Laura MacMartin, the matron.

James T. Patterson, Assistant Superintendent of Horticulture; Mr. A. B. Strough, in charge of the Forestry, Fish and Game exhibit; Dr. H. H. Hinshaw, in charge of the Scientific exhibit, and the following officials of the State building: Hon. Frank J. LeFevre, Superintendent; Mrs. Dore Lyon, Hostess; Mrs. F. P. Applebee, Assistant Hostess; Miss Laura C. MacMartin, Matron, and Mr.

F. B. Applebee; Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Conaway and Mr. Stacey B. Rankin. Wednesday, June 15. Luncheon by the State Commission in honor of Mrs. William Berri, wife of Vice-President Berri, and Miss Stern, of New York city. The guests were received by Commissioner Mrs. Norman E. Mack, Mrs. Berri and Miss Stern. Friday, June 18. Dinner given at 7 P. M. by Mr.

But Jones and Lee, his former companions, found means to discover him as they had already impeached him, and so, on their evidence and that of the prosecutor, he was convicted of robbing William Garnet, in the area of Red Lion Square, when Applebee knocked him down, and Jones and Lee held their hands upon his eyes, and crammed his own neck-cloth down his throat.

F. B. Applebee, the assistant hostess, and Miss Laura C. MacMartin, the matron at the State building, have acquitted themselves of the duties assigned to them. We especially accord them our highest appreciation; "Resolved, that this Commission especially commends the faithful and efficient services rendered by Mr. DeLancey M. Ellis, Mr. J. H. Durkee, Mr. Charles H. Vick, Mr. A. B. Strough, Mr.

When in 1740 Applebee published a new edition of "Roxana," he had it supplemented by "a continuation of nearly one hundred and fifty pages, many of which are filled with rubbish about women named Cleomira and Belinda." Here again Mrs.

In the prosecution of this trade, he contracted an infamous friendship with Jones, Applebee and Lee, three notorious villains of the same stamp, with whom he committed abundance of robberies in the streets, especially by cutting off women's pockets, and such other exploits.

The Fortunate Mistress; or, a History of the Life and Vast Variety of Fortunes of Mademoiselle de Beleau.... London: Printed for E. Applebee. 1740. p. 359. Pp. 300-59 are taken from The British Recluse. Some tentative experiments in the way of scandal-mongering may be found in Mrs. Haywood's work even before the first of her Duncan Campbell pamphlets.

Part of what he thus gathered he communicated to Applebee; sometimes, when the notoriety of the case justified it, he drew up longer narratives and published them separately as pamphlets. He was an adept in the art of puffing his own productions, whether books or journals. It may be doubted whether any American editor ever mastered this art more thoroughly than Defoe.