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I used to think of my few months at the Comedie Francaise. The little world I had known there had been stiff, scandal-mongering, and jealous. I recalled my few months at the Gymnase. Hats and dresses were always discussed there, and every one chattered about a hundred things that had nothing to do with art. At the Odeon I was happy.

A possible return to scandal-mongering should be noted. Letters from the Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, Everyman edition, 461. "You should have given me a key to the Invisible Spy, particularly to the catalogue of books in it. Gentleman's Magazine, XXIV, 560, December 1754. Critical Review, LXV; 236, March 1788.

Half a dozen adventurous spirits had gathered together at the Club. They called themselves adventurous. As a matter of fact they were scared out of their wits and had gone there merely with a view to leaning on each other for mutual support and courage. There was no whisky drinking that morning, no cards, no scandal-mongering.

Fanny Waddington said of him that if Beelzebub subscribed to his coal and blanket club he'd ask him to tea. He had a stiff face for uncharitable people; Elise was received almost ostentatiously at the rectory as a protest against scandal-mongering; and he made a point of stopping to talk to her when he met her in the street.

The streets of the ancient city had a mystic look, white and hushed and tenantless. But already the cheeky sparrows were about, scandal-mongering beneath the eaves with an unholy disregard for the awe by which they were surrounded. He left Gloucester in a southwesterly direction. In fields the hay was lying cut.

Once he flung a company of Dublin gossips into a rage because he declared that Dublin was called "the whispering gallery" and "the city of dreadful whispers" because it was populated by the descendants of informers and spies. That, he declared, was why Dublin people were so fond of tittle-tattle and tale-bearing and scandal-mongering.

It is generally much more fun and of much more benefit to swap fish stories and hunting yarns than to go over the details of the work in the publicity department or to formulate the plans for handling the Smith and Smith proposition. Momentous questions should be thrust aside until later, and the talk should be well, talk, not arguing, quarreling, or scandal-mongering.

That is not a matter of opinion, not a matter of inference or deduction. It is a matter of absolute fact and irrefutable knowledge. The affair of the stallions, for instance, must have been of a fairly public character. Scandal-mongering Rome could not have resisted the dissemination of it. Yet, apart from the Savelli letter, no single record of it has been discovered to confirm Burchard.

The visitor spread out upon the table the newspaper page which he had taken from his pocket. "This morning's 'Clarion," he said. "So that's the trouble! You've been reading that blackmailing sheet. Why, what's the 'Clarion, anyway? A scandal-mongering, yellow blatherskite, on its last legs financially. It's for sale to any bidder who'd be fool enough to put up money.

It is the man the Russian soldier and peasant himself who has emerged like the hero of an epic, and who is now secure for ever from the sophisticated scandal-mongering and the cultured ignorance of the West. And it is this that lends an epic and almost primeval symbolism to the tragedy of Kitchener's end.