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I made a drawing of the Dowager Countess of Aylesbury, better known as "Lady A."; Colonel Saunderson a famous Orangeman did a sketch of Gladstone for me; while Alma Tadema gave me one of Queen Victoria, done in four lines.

The second mate, a native of Scotland, whose name was Duncan Saunderson, having attended one of the University classes at Aberdeen, thought himself too wise to believe all that the sailors said, and took part with the captain. He jestingly told Tom Willis to borrow his grandam's spectacles the next time he was sent to keep a look-out ahead.

Maggie had carried wee Anne to tender her congratulations; Long Kirby had come; Tammas, Saunderson, Hoppin, Tupper, Londesley all but Jim Mason; and now, elbowing through the press, came squire and parson. "Well done, James! well done, indeed! Knew you'd win! told you so eh, eh!" Then facetiously to Owd Bob: "Knew you would, Robert, old man! Ought to Robert the Dev musn't be a naughty boy eh, eh!"

Rob Saunderson and old Jonas are cheering with the best; Tupper and Ned Hoppin are bellowing in one another's ears; Long Kirby and Jem Burton are thumping each other on the back; even Sam'l Todd and Sexton Ross are roused from their habitual melancholy. "Here's to Th' Owd Un! Here's to oor Bob!" yell stentorian voices; while Rob Saunderson has jumped on to a chair.

"He will probably wreck the whole thing if he accepts it," sighed Mr. Saunderson, "but at least it will be done legally, and in the regular course of things. If he'll only be sensible and see he's wanted just as a figurehead, everyone will be comfortable and prosperous."

Saunderson, with effusive approval as he indicated two lordly armchairs placed ready for his visitors. Mr. Aston and Christopher had both a dim, unreasonable consciousness of dental trouble and exchanged glances of mutual encouragement. Mr.

Saunderson is entirely unsuspicious and Myra thinks of the fiend as a brother! Yet she has never once spoken of him. I wonder...." Dr. Cairn sat deep in reflection. Suddenly he took out his watch. "Go around now," he said "you will be in time for lunch and remain there until I come.

But now I judge from your talk that you are a college chap, anyhow, a gentleman. Be n't it so?" "My dear Mr. Saunderson, I set out on my travels, which is not long ago, with a strong dislike to telling lies. But I doubt if a man can get along through this world without finding that the faculty of lying was bestowed on him by Nature as a necessary means of self- preservation.

'Who are dead? said Waverley, forgetting the incapacity of Davie to hold any connected discourse. 'Baron, and Bailie, and Saunders Saunderson, and Lady Rose that sang sae sweet a' dead and gane dead and gane; But follow, follow me, While glowworms light the lea, I'll show ye where the dead should be Each in his shroud, While winds pipe loud, And the red moon peeps dim through the cloud.

At the sorrow in his voice and the thing which he said the tears came to Kate's eyes, and she went forward and spoke to him very gently. "Do you know me, Dr. Saunderson Miss Carnegie?" "Not Saunderson . . . Magor Missabib." "Rabbi, Rabbi" so much Carmichael had told her; and now Kate stroked the bent white head. "Your friend, Mister Carmichael "