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To this end, popular and representative right has kept up its warfare against prerogative, with various success; sometimes writing the history of a whole age in blood, sometimes witnessing the martyrdom of Sidneys and Russells, often baffled and repulsed, but still gaining, on the whole, and holding what it gained with a grasp which nothing but the complete extinction of its own being could compel it to relinquish.

Not only were the older houses enriched, but a new aristocracy was erected from among the dependants of the Court. The Russells and the Cavendishes are familiar instances of families which rose from obscurity through the enormous grants of Church-land made to Henry's courtiers. The old baronage was thus hardly crushed before a new aristocracy took its place.

But I have wandered far from the family of Arthur Russell and the double ties, French and English, which bound them to my wife's family. Quite apart from my marriage connection, I came in touch with the Arthur Russells.

Middleton, I have it easily in my power to counteract him in such kind of favours, though I confess I have pretty well paid for them." "Since your affairs proceed so prosperously with the Russells," said the king, "I will acquaint you that you are delivered from another rival, much more dangerous, if he were not already married: my brother has lately fallen in love with Lady Chesterfield."

On my way to Ireland, I diverged a few miles from the line of railway, for the purpose of spending a day with the Russells. I found the "little Fanny" of former years now the staid matron, with the apartment called the nursery not altogether untenanted. It is needless to say that I made special inquiry after Frederick Felworth.

Morley meets the taunts and charges of the Russells, and the Macartneys, and the Carsons, and never yet has he been beaten in one of those hand-to-hand fights. There was a curious but instructive little scene towards the end of a sitting early in March. The Tories headed by Jimmy Lowther had been obstructing in the most shameless way for a whole afternoon. Towards the end of the evening Mr.

By it he rose to fame and power, as, indeed, by it most English statesmen have risen, save those to whom wealth and rank and family connections have given a sort of presumptive claim to high office, like the Cavendishes and the Russells, the Cecils and the Bentincks. And for many years, during which Mr.

These were the Russells, and they consented to let me travel with them as far as I was going. Your English maiden is very beautiful, señor." Dolores spoke these last words in a tone full of pathos. "She is a pink-and-white doll," said Ashby, sharply. "Tell me about yourself, Dolores. Do you know" and he bent down low over her "do you know how I tried to see you?

"Why, sir," said Jack, "that's what we can't make out. Tom Catherwood, who is always doing queer things, you know, went to a Black Republican meeting last night, and met Stephen there. They came out in Tom's buggy to the Russells', and Tom got into his clothes first and rode over. Stephen was to have followed on Puss Russell's horse. But he never got here. At least I can find no one who saw him.

We will not refuse the Abbot Hobbes a brief record of his trial and passion. And although twelve generations of Russells all loyal to the Protestant ascendancy have swept Woburn clear of Catholic associations, they, too, in these later days, will not regret to see revived the authentic story of its last abbot. The Observations of Sir Richard Hawkins, Knt., in his Voyage in the South Sea in 1593.