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I'll kill you like a dog if the thing be so much as breathed within the house!" Then, when he was gone, I looked at Sapt. "It's a hard nut!" said I. "So hard," said he, shaking his grizzled head, "that as I think, this time next year is like to find you still King of Ruritania!" and he broke out into curses on Michael's cunning. I lay back on my pillows.

"Arrange the time with me." "I have such confidence in you, my lord!" "Tut! I'm talking business now. Sapt there and Fritz will fall; Black Michael will fall " "What!" " Black Michael will fall, like the dog he is; the prisoner, as you call him, will go by 'Jacob's Ladder' ah, you know that! to hell! Two men will be left I, Rupert Hentzau, and you, the King of Ruritania."

They arrived just at the same time that I did. Brought by a commissionaire. There was hardly room for it in the lift. Edith looked quickly at the card. It bore the name of the minister of the place with a name like Ruritania. 'What cheek! exclaimed Bruce, who was really flattered. 'What infernal impertinence.

The stakes had been high, the struggle keen; the edge of passion had been sharpened, and the seeds of enmity sown. Yet Michael, having struck for the crown, had paid for the blow with his life: should there not then be an end? Michael was dead, the Princess her cousin's wife, the story in safe keeping, and Mr. Rassendyll's face seen no more in Ruritania. Should there not then be an end?

These claims were called the Greater Ruritania by the cultivated classes who regarded Kipling, Treitschke, and Maurice Barres as one hundred percent Ruritanian. But the grandiose idea aroused no enthusiasm abroad. So holding this finest flower of the Ruritanian genius, as their poet laureate said, to their hearts, Ruritania's statesmen went forth to divide and conquer.

Under their directions I changed my dress, and muffling my face, as I had done more than once before, I mounted with them at the door of the Castle, and we three rode through the night and on to the breaking day, and found ourselves at a little roadside station just over the border of Ruritania.

Beyond this there was a territory inhabited 97% by aliens, constituting the natural geographical frontier of another nation, never historically a part of Ruritania. But one of the provinces which had been federated into Ruritania had formerly traded in those markets, and the upper class culture was Ruritanian.

But, glancing at Flavia, he lowered his voice, as he went on: "It is thought that he may have followed a lady here. Has your Majesty heard of a certain Madame de Mauban?" "Why, yes," said I, my eye involuntarily travelling towards the Castle. "She arrived in Ruritania about the same time as this Rassendyll." I caught the Prefect's glance; he was regarding me with enquiry writ large on his face.

Long I looked and eagerly. I was roused by my brother's hand on my shoulder. He was gazing down at me with a puzzled expression. "It's a remarkable likeness, you see," said I. "I really think I had better not go to Ruritania." Rose, though half convinced, would not abandon her position. "It's just an excuse," she said pettishly. "You don't want to do anything. Why, you might become an ambassador!"