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The girls glanced quickly at the rosy-faced lad who came up at that moment with their order on a tray. "I'm so hungry," sighed Phil. "Perhaps we'd better " "So glad you've changed your mind," commented Madge rather satirically. "But what about you, Lillian and Eleanor?" "Let's stay this once, but next time we'll be more careful where we lunch," smiled Eleanor.

"I'm doing my best," said the rosy-faced little housekeeper, who stood at the door with her podgy hands primly folded over her apron. "Plenty of bed and food is what I give Master Noel; but bless you, my lady, he won't stay between the blankets, being always a worrit from a boy."

Somethin' to do with the household expenses, hey?" "No. It is is a matter of well, of charity. It may amount to several hundred dollars." "Yes, yes. I see. Charity, hey? Church?" "No. One of the maids, Annie, has trouble at home, and I wanted to help her." The captain nodded once more. "Annie," he repeated, "that's the rosy-faced one? The Irish one?" "Yes.

The only person whom I saw improving his health with the battery was a rosy-faced school-boy, who was taking ten cents' worth of electricity; and I hope it did not disagree with his pop-corn and soda- water.

"Jerry is late, to-day but it's so plaguy hot he's favorin' his hosses, I guess," said the rosy-faced landlord, with that peculiar intonation which stamped him at once a genuine Yankee.

Its timbered walls were grey and weather-stained, and its tiled roof yellowed with lichens. By the side of the open barn door the cows were standing lowing to be milked, and the dairymaid, a rosy-faced young woman in a blue apron, was coming from the kitchen, singing as she swung her bright pails.

"Give you good den, Master Clere!" said a rosy-faced countrywoman with a basket on her arm, as she came into one of the largest clothier's shops in Colchester. It was an odd way of saying "Good Evening," but this was the way in which they said it in 1556.

He was thus engaged one evening when he beheld a padre of the church advancing, at whose approach every one touched the hat. He was evidently a man of consequence; he certainly was a mirror of good if not of holy living; robust and rosy-faced, and breathing at every pore with the warmth of the weather and the exercise of the walk.

Father Magauran, the parish priest, a rosy-faced, jovial little man, with a humorous! twinkle in his blue eye, and an anterior rotundity of person that betokened a moderate relish for the convivialities. Altogether it was a merry meeting; and of the host himself it might be said that he held as conspicuous a place in the mirth as he did in the hospitality.

The station- master touched his hat, smiled, and stayed for a word or two. Very deferential. Good fellow, Curtis. Knew his business. The little, stout, rosy-faced fellow who guarded the book-stall touched his hat. Brandon stopped and looked at the papers. Advertisements already of special Jubilee supplements "Life of the Good Queen," "History of the Empire, 1837-1897."