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And when once from the mind and heart of the Early Church the irrevocable word had gone forth, "God is no respecter of persons; but in every nation he that feareth Him, and worketh righteousness, is acceptable to Him," the final breach was made; no longer could the new faith live with the old.

The latter, however, was no respecter of persons, but rather seemed to exult in having such important antagonists. He talked with greater volubility than ever, and soon drowned them in declamation on the subject of taxes, poor's rates, and the national debt.

Henry was no respecter of the People, which he regarded as something immeasurably below his feet. On the contrary, he was the most sublime self-seeker of them all; but his courage, his intelligent ambition, his breadth and strength of purpose, never permitted him to doubt that his own greatness was inseparable from the greatness of France.

Surely they cannot reasonably expect mercy from him "who is no respecter of persons," if Paul "obtained it because he did those things ignorantly in unbelief." If this is duly considered, Will not presumptuous sinners believe and tremble? Will they not perceive their hopes to be vain? Another abuse of the revelation of divine mercy is the universal scheme which is built upon it.

I should be glad to find that miracle of nature, a friend which not all the disadvantages I labour under would hinder from taking the pains to cultivate and improve my mind; but since God has cut me off from the pleasurable parts of life, and rendered me incapable of attracting the love of my relations, I must use my utmost endeavour to secure an eternal happiness, and He who is no respecter of persons will require no more than He has given.

He wants you to know how you can best fight devils, convict sinners, save souls, and bless the world. "You can have this wonderful knowledge. Paul had it. He said 'We, that is, I, 'have the mind of Christ. God is no respecter of persons. He is as willing to reveal His mind to you, so far as you need it, as He was to reveal it to Paul. "But to possess this knowledge you must be holy.

And the benevolent painter felt the reward of his good deed fall, like the dew from heaven, refreshingly on his own spirit. True, his protégés were very lowly; but God is no respecter of persons, and in radiating this light around the humble dwelling from which sincere petitions for blessings upon him were daily invoked, Mr. Stewart proved himself possessed of the true spirit of Christ.

Nature, who is no respecter of persons, gives to Colleen Bawn, who uses her arms and chest, a beauty which perishes in the gentle, languid Edith, who does nothing but study and read." "But is it not a fact," said Rudolph, "as stated by our friend of the 'Post, that American matrons are perishing, and their beauty and grace all withered, from overwork?" "It is," said my wife; "but why?

In this black pupil is seen the reflection of that which is before it, and through it the light of the spirit shineth forth.” “God,” ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Himself declares, “maketh no distinction between the white and the black. If the hearts are pure both are acceptable unto Him. God is no respecter of persons on account of either color or race.

Its friends claimed for this tax that it was no respecter of persons, but was simple, even-handed, and efficient. The last it certainly was, bringing as it did into the Treasury annually about as many thousands as there are days in the year.