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Updated: August 3, 2024

Not only in Tracts is a child a peacemaker. "One moment, Irma," said her uncle. "I'm going to the station. I'll give you the pleasure of my company." They started together. Irma was gratified; but conversation flagged, for Philip had not the art of talking to the young. Mrs. Herriton sat a little longer at the breakfast table, re-reading Lilia's letter.

Aleck swung off down the street, re-reading Jim's letter, intent only on the Sea Gull and the preparations for his guests. But at the back of his mind he was thinking, "Poor girl! She needs me more than I thought!" If hard usage and obstacles could cure a knight-errant of his sentiment, then Jimmy Hambleton had been free of his passion for the Face.

Why on earth was he re-reading it, when he knew every phrase in it by heart, when for a month past he had seen it, night after night, stand out in letters of flame against the darkness of his sleepless lids? "It has been just the same with all the others you've shown me." That was the way they dismissed ten years of passionate unremitting work! "You remember the result of 'The Lee Shore."

Marchdale: It will give me great pleasure if you can dine with us on Thursday evening next, at eight o'clock, to meet my uncle, Cardinal Udeschini, who is staying here for a few days. "I have been re-reading 'A Man of Words. I want you to tell me a great deal more about your friend, the author. Yours sincerely, BEATRICE DI SANTANGIOLO."

At that time everybody was reading and re-reading with delight the masterpiece of the French Ariosto; the most serious of men smiled over the loves of Jeanne and Dunois, the adventures of Agnès and Monrose and the exploits of the winged ass. Every man of cultivation knew by heart the choice passages of this diverting and philosophical poem.

Back in his room he took up a lens, but soon found himself re-reading his aphorism on Marriage.

After a most careful re-reading of my letter, I am unable to understand how you could judge that any discussion by you of my reasons for resigning would not be acceptable to me since my letter was an appeal to you on specific grounds for action now by the Administration on the Federal Suffrage amendment. However, I am profoundly grateful to you for your prompt acceptance of my resignation.

At Saint Leger he passed his days in reading and re-reading the two thousand letters the dead Comtesse had written to him, sprinkling their perfumed pages with his tears. And when he was not thus burying himself in the past, he was a prey to the terrors that had obsessed his childhood the fear of death and of hell.

"No!" snapped Carroll "I can't. He hasn't misquoted a single line of what I said. It just makes things makes 'em mighty embarrassing." He sat hunched in his chair staring at the screaming headlines and re-reading the lurid story. Again an orderly entered. "Young lady out there," he announced, "who wants to know if Mr. Carroll is here."

Thus was this lad of three-and-twenty fortified and ripened by the arduous warfare in the Argonne. He was now spending what leisure the fighting gave him in a careful study of Homer. We gather that he had just finished re-reading the "Iliad" when the end came.

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