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To his disordered senses things took on a different appearance than was actually the case inns seemed castles, and towers and hills appeared as giants that moved about in the distance; and Señor Quesada could hardly wait before he could meet them on horseback and overthrow them in battle.

See, here it is, M'sieu le Maire." ORIGINAL SHORT STORIES, Vol. 9. GUY DE MAUPASSANT ORIGINAL SHORT STORIES Translated by ALBERT M. C. McMASTER, B.A. A. E. HENDERSON, B.A. MME. QUESADA and Others He was known for thirty miles round was father Toine fat Toine, Toine-my-extra, Antoine Macheble, nicknamed Burnt-Brandy the innkeeper of Tournevent.

"Not yet, Don Jorge," said the little soldier-tailor; "not yet; the scoundrels still hold out, relying on the brute bull Quesada and a few infantry, who still continue true to them; but there is no fear, Don Jorge; the queen is ours, thanks to the courage of my friend Garcia, and if the brute bull should make his appearance ho! ho!

Three hundred Spaniards, 2,000 Indians, and 1,200 horses set out on this quest; 24 men and 32 horses only returned. The costly myth of El Dorado, from the earliest days of its conception, was insatiable in the matter of human lives. Quesada died, like one or two other great figures of medieval times, of leprosy, after having founded the city of Santa Aguda in 1572.

Quesada! The foot soldiers stood calm and motionless, but I observed that the cavalry, with the young officer who commanded them, displayed both confusion and fear, exchanging with each other some hurried words.

In a few minutes I saw a body of them enter the coffee-house marching arm in arm, two by two, stamping on the ground with their feet in a kind of measure, and repeating in loud chorus as they walked round the spacious apartment, the following grisly stanza: "Que es lo que abaja Por aquel cerro? Ta ra ra ra ra. Son los huesos de Quesada, Que los trae un perro Ta ra ra ra ra."

Here it was that Quesada, the adventurous Spaniard, had sought this treasure. He organized a horde of gold-lustful minions and descended upon the Chibcas. The latter were not by nature fighters, but they stood their ground for their god, and fought like demons.

He had this broken message: "I, Manco Capac, priest of the Gilded Man leave this for my brothers, fearing from strangers with . When I heard Quesada was near and learned that he was about to the lake I called twenty of the faithful and with great we piece by piece, using to the gifts from the bottom. Many pieces we but much gold, gifts of plate, and with jewels we reached.

I had an indistinct view for a moment of a well- known foraging cap just about the spot from whence the gun had been discharged, then there was a rush of the crowd, and the shooter, whoever he was, escaped discovery amidst the confusion which arose. As for Quesada, he seemed to treat the danger from which he had escaped with the utmost contempt.

It is even recorded that Essex ordered one of his soldiers, who was found stealing a woman's gown, to be hanged on the spot, but that, wearied by the intercession of an ecclesiastic of Cadiz, the canon Quesada, he consented at last to pardon the marauder. It was the earnest desire of Essex to hold Cadiz instead of destroying it.