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You see from this that the sparrow was a truthful bird, and the old woman ought to have been willing to forgive her at once when she asked her pardon so nicely. But not so. The old woman had never loved the sparrow, and had often quarreled with her husband for keeping what she called a dirty bird about the house, saying that it only made extra work for her.

Strangely enough, it was Dolly, who had resented the previous attitude of the rich girls more than any of her companions, who found by instinct the true solution. She didn't say a word; she simply ran forward impulsively and threw her arms about Marcia's neck. Then, and not till then, as she kissed the friend with whom she had quarreled, did she find words.

They quarreled and they fought over the nuts on the ground and even up in the trees. And because they were so big and so strong, they pushed Mr. Chipmunk this way and they pushed him that way and often just as he was going to pick up a fat nut one of them would knock him over and make off with the prize. "Poor Mr. Chipmunk kept his temper and was as polite as ever, but how he did work!

If she confessed that she had seen him, and had quarreled with him on that night, then all men would conclude that she had also murdered him so as to escape. She saw also how hopeless it was to look for any testimony in her favor. Every thing was against her.

Do you know what we were quarreling about then?” “No, I don’t,” said Alyosha. “Of course he did not tell you. It was about that plan of escape. He had told me the main idea three days before, and we began quarreling about it at once and quarreled for three days.

He did not bring a queen with him, for he had quarreled with his wife, and shut her up in a castle in Germany; but he had a son, also named George, who had a very clever, handsome wife Caroline of Anspach, a German princess; but the king was jealous of them, and generally made them live abroad.

You went in there and looked around to see if the room was ready, and you saw the clock. And knowing that the Ladleys quarreled now and then, and were apt to throw things " "Nothing but a soap-dish, and that only once." " you took the clock to the attic and put it, say, in an old trunk." "I did nothing of the sort.

They must have been here and have quarreled and what has happened! I'm going back to ask Betty." "Ask Betty! My dear! What can Betty know about it?" "Something upset her terribly yesterday morning. She was ill and with no cause that I could see, and I believe she had had a nervous shock." "But she seemed all right this morning, a little pale, but otherwise quite herself."

Here was a pair of twin boys, about two years old, very black and smart. As they quarreled so much of the time, Judge Fitzhugh proposed to name them Abe and Jeff, after the two Presidents. Though a strong Confederate, he said they were smarter than any white children he ever saw, and to prove his position he called them out to dance, as he had taught them to step the figure.

I'll not charge you anything for the decorations." Among those with whom Whistler quarreled most joyously were the two Moores, the illustrious George and his less famous brother, Augustus. Both took Sir William Eden's side in the celebrated "Baronet vs. Butterfly" case, where Whistler was nonsuited in a French court of law.