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It gives an account of one of these singular meteors or fire balls, improperly termed a comet in the text, which some modern philosophers are pleased to derive from the moon, and to suppose that they are composed of ignited masses of iron alloyed with nickel. It were an affront to our readers to comment on the ridiculous pretended prognostication so gravely believed by Garcilasso Inca.

On one is a complete horoscope, containing the places of the sun, moon, and every planet, noted down on the zodiac in degrees and minutes of a degree; and with these particulars the mathematician undertook to foretell the marriage, fortune, and death of the person who had been born at the instant when the heavenly bodies were so situated; and, as the horoscope was buried in the tomb with the mummy, we must suppose that it was thought that the prognostication would hold good even in the next world.

Nevertheless, despite Harry's confident prognostication, they had traversed quite half the length of the lake ere there was the slightest perceptible sign of the creature weakening; and they accomplished another quarter of the distance ere the reptile slackened speed sufficiently to admit of their attempting to haul the yacht up alongside it.

Then above the hum of conversation General Brady's voice was heard: "Gentlemen, it is my opinion that we have lost a great man to-night, a fearless man and a Christian gentleman." "That's my entire prognostication, General," said Ike, with great emphasis. Meantime Shock had gone searching through the hotels for the doctor, whom he had seen slipping out before the closing prayer.

During the negotiation Franklin wrote to Laurens: "I have never yet known of a peace made that did not occasion a great deal of popular discontent, clamor, and censure on both sides, ... so that the blessing promised to peacemakers, I fancy, relates to the next world, for in this they seem to have a greater chance of being cursed." The prognostication was fulfilled.

Pantagrueline Prognostication, Rabelais, W. F. Smith's translation, 1893, Vol. II, p. 460. Even physicians of the most distinguished reputation practised judicial astrology. He gives in it some sixty-seven nativities, remarkable for the events they foretell, with an exposition.

He could be nothing more in the presence of the great dread which loomed larger upon him after every conversation with the lawyer. For Mr. Donkin had been right in his prognostication. Government took up the attack on the Rendezvous with a high and heavy hand. It was necessary to assert authority which had been of late too often braved.

Letter from Longman and Co. to J.B. grumbling about bringing out the second edition, because they have, forsooth, 700 copies in hand out of 5000, five days after the first edition is out. What would they have? It is uncomfortable, though. July 7. Night dreadfully warm, and bilious; I could not be fool enough surely to be anxious for these wise men of the East's prognostication.

The extreme vividness of his look, manner, and speech gave a wonderful impression of latent vitality and power; perhaps some of this lambent, flashing brightness may have been but the result of the morbid physical conditions of his existence, like the flush on his cheek and the fire in his eye; the over stimulated and excited intellectual activity, the offspring of disease, mistaken by us for morning instead of sunset splendor, promise of future light and heat instead of prognostication of approaching darkness and decay.

The mate's prognostication was correct in some particulars, for in about half an hour the tug steamed slowly alongside the Retriever and hailed her. "Barkentine, ahoy!" "Ahoy! Retriever, of the Blue Star, Astoria for San Francisco." "Sea Fox, of the Red Stack Line. Is Captain Murphy on deck?" "No, but I'll send for him," the mate shouted, and forthwith sent a man below to rout out the skipper.