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I never saw a horse go so fast. i tell you old Nat he had to pull to stop her. she breethed prety hard and jerky, but Nat he said it was hickups becaus she had et too mutch. Fatty he asked how old she was and old Nat he said she was bout 12 but that she wood be good til she was 30.

Good morow farmer with your hundred geese sir i have not a hundred but if i had as many more and half as many more and 2-1/2 geese i shood have a hundred, how many geese had he. well Nipper can do that sum and so he has got to show of. i havent got to do ennything xcept to say my speach when old Francis gives me my prise, whitch is prety good for me. Mar. 4.

He was prety down on his Luck I thort and acted Blue. I see her name in the Newspaper about evry day. "He said give you his Regards and tell you you was a dam lukky Man." Captain Dan's chuckle developed into a hearty laugh. He sympathized with and understood the feelings of B. Phelps. "He has sold his summer Plase at Trumet," the letter went on. "Mrs. Black don't want to come thare no more.

Beany is a prety good feller to have a store with only he smokes and drinks two mutch. Mar. 16. Brite and fair. i saw a blewbird today. Beany come over erly and we had a good trade.

July 31. tonite a man come down to see father and said i had gumped up behind a fence without my close on and scart his girls. he was stoping at the beach and they come up to Mager Blakes hotel. well father called me in and i told the man all about it and bimeby he begun to laff and he said it was a prety meen trick on me and he shook hands with me and he was glad i dident do it a purpose only he was sorry i got stung.

Mother she asked me how they got afire and i said i was fooling with them and they got on fire and i had to plug them out of the window. then she said that was what fritened Miss Hartnett so and i said was she fritened and she said she was so fritened that she fell over backwards and i said is that so. mother dont know i did it on purpose whitch is prety good luck for me, so she only made me keep my snapcrackers in the yard. so i put them in a hole in the apple tree. gosh, you aught to hear Miss Hartnett tell about it.

Oct. 22, 186- brite and fair and most as hot as summer. that was prety mean of old Putty. Oct. 23. Mary Watson, Beany's sister and Mary Straton whose father chased me and Beany when we broke the gaslite, can run faster then enny of the fellers xcept Tomtit and Arthur Francis.

Jan. 18, 186- buly snowbaling. i went out today a long time, mother told me not to plug snowballs, so i only throwed 2 or 3. i am hungry all the time. Jan. 19. brite and fair. one of my hens died when i was sick and the rooster frose his comb. it is prety tuf on me. Jan. 20. i went sliding today on factory hill, it was buly. they wasent hardly ennyone there. Jan. 21. brite and fair.

I could tell prety well where to find a dozen eggs or more in the dark, an' in three minutes I'd groped about an' gathered 'em in the lap o' my dress. Then back I ran. I could just spy 'en a dark spot out there in the mud. "'How many? he axed, an' his voice was like a rook's. "'A dozen, or near. "'Toss 'em here. Don't come too nigh, an' shy careful, so's I can catch.

It was that forriner Hapgood who used to work for you. He looked prety run to seed. He haddent got anny Job since he left you, he sed, and he was flat Broke. I gave him a Square meel or what they call one at the bordin' house and he and me had a long talk. He told me a lot of things but manely all he wanted to talk about was that Swab of a Coussin of yours, that Hungerford.