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Updated: August 14, 2024

"So you won't return with us, young man?" said Macgregor to March Marston as he mounted his horse. "I'm in want of a stout young fellow, and you'll like the life." "I thank ye, sir, for your good opinion," returned March; "but my mind's made up: I'll stick by my comrades; I like trappin', but I don't like tradin' though I'm obliged to you for bein' so pressin' all the same."

So bein' old neighbours, I am willin' to give four thousand dollars, half cash down, for the hull business." "Surely that is a low figure," said Mr. Gwynne. "Low figure!" exclaimed Mr. Martin. "All right, I ain't pressin' it on you; but if you could get any one in this neighbourhood to offer four thousand dollars for your farm, I will give you five hundred extra.

"Man, I have ne'er fought wi' my hands in a' my life not since I was a wean; nor yet felt the pinch of ony pressin' danger to be facit, that I might know how jeopardy sorts wi' my stomach. I became man-grown as a halflin' boy, or e'er you were born yet a starvelin' boy, workin' for bare bread; and hard beset I was for't.

'He's sound an' kind, an' 'll stand without hitchin', an' a lady c'n drive him 's well 's a man." "'I ain't got anythin' agin him, I says, 'an' prob'ly that's all true, ev'ry word on't; but one-fifty's a consid'able price fer a hoss these days. I hain't no pressin' use fer another hoss, an', in fact, I says, 'I've got one or two fer sale myself.

"If I could get eight hundred dollars it would pay up the debts that's pressin' me and would give me a start." "Can't you borrow at the bank?" "No, because I've no security. The place is mortgaged all it can stand." "Well, now you give your name and address to James, and I'll talk it over with Dr. Eaton, and we'll see what can be done.

If you do, all's right, for they're not livin' that ever knew you to braak your word or your promise." "I'll make no promise, Honor; I'll make no promise; but let the other plan be tried first. Now don't be pressin' me; he is a noble boy, and would, as you say, thravel round the earth to keep my little finger from pain; but let me alone about it now let me alone about it."

"I hope you don't think I'm too pressin' on the subject, but ma has always said that there wasn't any better bond for matrimony than the same taste in food. Do you think she's right?" "I shouldn't wonder. She's had experience anyway." "Yes, that's jest what I tell her she's had experience an' she ought to know.

The time I'm with the Utes they pulls off a shindig, "tea dance" it is, an', as what Huggins would call "a star feacher" they ups an' roasts a white dog. That canine is mighty plethoric an' fat, an' they lays him on his broad, he'pless back an' shets off his wind with a stick cross-wise of his neck, an' two bucks pressin' on the ends.

Polly's eyes growed tender and wistful, and her little white hands lingered over her posies, and I knowed the hard lot of the poor, the wrongs of wimmen and children, the woes of humanity, wuz pressin' down on her generous young heart.

So it don't pay to go monkeyin' around there unless you've got pressin' business." He made a grimace. "It's my opinion that a good many Circle Bar cattle have crossed the crick in them two places never to come back." He swept a hand up the river, indicating the sentinel like buttes that frowned above the bed of the stream.

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