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The Shakaki chief was able from his possession of the Crown jewels and treasure to make terms for pardon and preferment; but he afterwards broke his oath of allegiance, and rebelled. He was captured and confined in a dungeon, where his life soon ceased. Fateh Ali Shah died in 1834, and was succeeded by his grandson, Mohamed Shah, son of the capable Abbas Mirza, who predeceased his father.

Aemilia Pudentilla, now my wife, was once the wife of a certain Sicinius Amicus. By him she had two sons, Pontianus and Pudens. These two boys were left by their father's death under the guardianship of their paternal grandfather for Amicus predeceased his father and were brought up by their mother with remarkable care and affection for about fourteen years.

Sir William Thomson married, in 1852, a daughter of the late Walter Crum, Esq., F.R.S., who has predeceased him. He is a Liberal in politics, and no one has taken a more active part than he in forwarding the interests of the Liberal candidates for the representation of the Universities. Cities that bear the dual character of seats of learning and marts of commerce are comparatively rare.

James Baird of Cambusdoon, who, along with his brothers who have predeceased him, has set a noble example in regard to both the acquisition and the distribution of wealth. Few men have been so fortunate in laying up treasure on earth; few have been so zealous of those good works which realise treasure on the other side of Time.

But instead of simply expressing the wish and directing his executors to carry it out, he made it a condition affecting the operation of the will." "Affecting it in what respect?" I asked. "In a very vital respect," answered Mr. Bellingham. "The bulk of the property he bequeathed to me, or if I predeceased him, to my daughter Ruth.

He wanted the lofty ideas of his father you read it in his handwriting, great statesman as he was. I saw a letter or two of Burke's in which there is an épanchement du cœur not visible in those of Pitt, who writes like a Premier to his colleague. Burke was under the strange hallucination that his son, who predeceased him, was a man of greater talents than himself.

Their well-meant efforts proved fruitless; but the fact is notable and significant. David's eldest son, the gallant Prince Henry, who had led the wild charge at Northallerton, predeceased his father in 1152.

Harold and Gormflaith's children were Thorfinn, who predeceased him, and also David and John, both afterwards in succession earls of Caithness and jarls of Orkney, and three daughters, Gunnhilda, Herborga, and Langlif; and of the daughters the Saga-writers tell us nothing, except that the Icelander Sæmund, Magnus Barelegs' grandson, wished to marry Langlif but did not do so; and her son Jon Langlifson, according to the Saga of Hakon was in 1263 a spy on the Norse side.

Mahaut was the daughter of Robert the Second, Count of Artois, a valiant and chivalrous man, and of Amicie de Courtenay, of whom it was said that she was esteemed whilst she lived, and mourned of all when she died. Her brother, Philip, predeceased his father, leaving one son, Robert.

For a time, while some of the old circle still survived, Dr Burton saw them with pleasure at his own table, but he too early adopted a determination which no one should ever adopt to make no new friends. Almost all his old friends predeceased him, and he found himself thrown entirely on the society of his own family. But to return.