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"So have I," continued Ansell; "I have seen worse cocks in the pit." "Well, it's very odd; I never lost a cock in this way in all my voyages. Send the poulterer here; I must inquire about it." "Yes, sir," replied the steward; and he quitted the cabin.

They made him contradict himself twice or thrice in every sentence; they proved to him clearly that he knew nothing at all of what he was talking about, and generally gave him to understand that he was an impertinent, conceited puppy for presuming to have an opinion of his own on such matters! Riddell came out of the ordeal very much as a duck comes out of the hands of the poulterer.

In others, the crowing of cocks and calling of the hens were incessant: or the geese, ranged up rank and file, waited but the signal from one of the party to raise up a simultaneous clamour, which as suddenly was remitted. Coop answered coop, in variety of discord, while the poulterer walked round and round to supply the wants of so many hundreds committed to his charge.

The clergy sometimes suffered, and heavily too, from pillage, but many of them had castles of their own, and fought in helmet and armour like the barons, and drew lots with other fighting men for their share of booty. Any man having the power to refuse these things, no matter whether he were called a Pope or a Poulterer, would, of course, have the power of afflicting numbers of innocent people.

"I'm not going to tell any lies about it; I put 'em there. The partridges in my inside coat-pocket and the bill in my waistcoat-pocket." "The bill?" ses Keeper Lewis, staring at 'im. "Yes, the bill," ses Bob Pretty, staring back at 'im; "the bill from Mr. Keen, the poulterer, at Wick-ham." He fetched it out of 'is pocket and showed it to Mr.

Do you know, I don't believe Achilles had ever so much as seen a hare before? not a live one! He smelt one once at a poulterer's a dead one that was starting for the Antipodes with its legs crossed. The poulterer lost his temper, very absurdly...." "Well did he catch the hare? I mean the first hare." "That I can't say. Both vanished, and I suspect the hare got away.

Such ducks were then, and perhaps are still, the most remarkable residents of Flamborough. Not only because the air is fine, and the puddles and the dabblings of extraordinary merit, and the wind fluffs up their pretty feathers while alive, as the eloquent poulterer by-and-by will do; but because they have really distinguished birth, and adventurous, chivalrous, and bright blue Norman blood.

The poulterer made his appearance, was interrogated, and obliged in his own defence to criminate the parties, corroborating his assertions by producing a pair of spurs found upon a cock, which had been killed, and thrown behind the coop in a hurry at the appearance of Captain Oughton on deck. "I am sorry that my officers should have taken such a liberty," observed the major, gravely.

"I have seen worse cocks in the pit." "Well it's very odd; I never lost a cock this way in all my voyages. Send the poulterer here; I must inquire about it." "Yes, sir," replied the steward; and he quitted the cabin. With the exception of the major, who knew nothing of the circumstances, the officers thought it advisable to de-camp, that they might not be present when the denouement took place.

Coop answered coop, in variety of discord, while the poulterer walked round and round to supply the wants of so many hundreds committed to his charge. The booms before the main-mast were occupied by the large boats, which had been hoisted in preparatory to the voyage. They also composed a portion of the farmyard.