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The Devil had his Romish prayers, his processions, his worship of relics, his remission of sins, his confessional, his infernal synods; he was to Luther an active, rough, and material incarnation of the roaring lion of the Scriptures in the shape of the Romish Church, walking about visibly, tangibly, bodily amongst men, devouring all who believed in the Pope, and who disbelieved in this stupid phantom of a dogmatically blinded imagination.

This was a fatal mistake. When I received this dispatch from General Pope, on August 31st, I sent the following message to him: HEADQUARTERS U. S. FORCES. FORT LARAMIE, DAKOTA TERRITORY, August 31, 1865. Major-General John Pope, St.

So when the Archbishop asked leave of the King to go to Rome, according to custom, William demanded to know to which of these two popes he would apply for his pallium. "To Pope Urban," was the reply. "But," said the King, "him I have not acknowledged; and no man in England may acknowledge a pope without my leave."

Pope was the lad's especial textbook, and we are told that he had transcribed the whole of the "Essay on Man" by the time he was twelve and some of the "Moral Essays" as well, besides having "committed to memory many of the most interesting passages of that distinguished poet."

So the Pope gave his permission, and the work began. Every one who lived in Rome thirty years ago can remember it, and the excited curiosity of the whole city while the digging went on.

As the pope was now dealing with men against whom it was easier to pass a sentence than to get it carried out, he had nominated as captain-general the new Duke of Valentinois, who was commissioned to recover the territories for his own benefit.

His flattery was as ready for the other sex as for ours, and was at least as well adapted. August the 27th, 1714, Pope writes to his friend Jervas, that he is just arrived from Oxford; that every one is much concerned for the queen's death, but that no panegyrics are ready yet for the king.

Justice the Pillar of the State Claim implied in being God's Vicar, namely, that the Pope governs the World as God would govern it, were He personally present in it No Civil Code in the Papal States Citizens have no Rights save as Church Members No Lay Judges The Pontifical Government simply the Embodiment of the Papacy Courts of Justice visited Papal Tribunals The Rota Signatura Cassation Exceptional Tribunals Apostolical Chamber House of Peter Justice bought and sold at Rome POLITICAL JUSTICE Gregorian Code Case of Pietro Leoni Accession of Pius IX. His Popularity at first Re-action Case of Colonel Calendrelli The Three Citizens of Macarata The Hundred Young Men of Faenza Butchery at Sinigaglia Horrible Executions at Ancona Estimated Number of Political Prisoners 30,000 Pope's Prisons described Horrible Treatment of Prisoners The Sbirri The Spies Domiciliary Restraint Expulsions from Rome Imprisonment without reason assigned Manner in which Apprehensions are made Condemnations without Evidence or Trial Misery of Rome The Pope's Jubilee.

Ferdinand did not trouble himself to receive the crown from the pope, and since his day the emperors of Germany have no longer been exposed to the expense and the trouble of a journey to Rome for their coronation.

The wounded man was nursed by his wife and sister, the latter preparing his food with her own hands, to secure him from poison; the Pope set a guard upon the house to protect his son-in-law from his son. Caesar laughed these precautions to scorn.