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Updated: August 17, 2024

"It doesn't seem to trouble yours," retorted Mrs Polsue, at bay and vicious; "or maybe it has, and that's why you're not with the Reserve." Nicky-Nan flushed to the roots of his hair. But he answered pacifically "Until I go, ma'am, you may take it from me that Mrs Penhaligon shan't want. I fixed all that up with her husband afore he left.

But this time he overdid it, and fetched up Mrs Polsue as by a galvanic shock. "If interruptions are to be the order of the day," said Mrs Polsue, "I'd like to enter my protest at once. I don't hold, for my part, with calling public meetings for I suppose this is a public meeting?" she asked, breaking off, with a challenging eye on the Vicar. "By no means," he answered with quick good-humour.

Nicky-Nan went back to his parlour, closed the door carefully, mounted the platform again, and resumed his plastering. He felt vexed with himself over that little speech of bravado. It had been incautious, with all those women listening. Still it might be explained away, and easily enough. That woman Polsue put everybody's back up. His words had been just a piece of bluff to get rid of her.

After a moment's silence Mrs Polsue rallied. "I was saying that this War didn't surprise me. The wonder to me is, the Almighty's wrath hasn't descended on this nation long before. He must be more patient than you or me, Charity Oliver; or else more blind, which isn't to be supposed. Take Polpier, now.

Why don't 'ee leg it off to the War? 'These be hard times, Nanjivell; so I'm forced to ask 'ee for your rent, or out you go. An' now along you come wi' the latest. 'Would you mind makin' yourself scarce, Mr Nanjivell, to oblige a lady as has lost confidence in her repitation? Now look 'ee here, ma'am what I said to that woman Polsue, just now, is no more than I'm able to abide by.

There was a pause. "The silly man collected himself towards the end," said Mrs Polsue.

"I don't insist on anything," snapped Mrs Polsue. "I only say, first, there's a mystery here, and you can't deny it. Secondly, we're at war, you'll agree to that, I hope? That being so, it's everybody's business to take precautions and inform the authorities of anything that looks suspicious.

As like as not they'll be trying to come it over us; and if we leave it to Hambly " "Him?" Mrs Polsue sniffed. "You leave it to me!" The Vicar welcomed them in the porch, and his pleasantly courteous smile, which took their friendliness for granted, disarmed Mrs Polsue for a moment. "It took the starch out of you straight: I couldn't help noticin'," was Miss Oliver's comment, later in the day.

"Well, and you needn't make a merit of it, . . . and if you ask me," pursued Mrs Polsue, "one half of your palpitation is put on. You're nervous what show you'll make in the drawing-room, and that's why you're dilly-dallyin' with your questions and stoppages." "Mrs Steele and me not being on visiting terms " Miss Oliver started to explain pathetically.

"Perhaps I should have explained at the beginning that this War, coming upon us so suddenly, has taken the S.S.F.A. somewhat at unawares, in Cornwall at any rate. The machinery exists in skeleton; but there still wants the personnel to work it. In our District, for instance " "District?" snapped Mrs Polsue. "What's a District?" The Vicar pulled a wry face.

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