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"With this, he whistled to Bell, who was skipping about Leonard, having recognised him on his first approach, and they proceeded towards the second postern in London-wall, between Moorgate and Cripplegate; while the buriers, laughing heartily at the adventure, took their way towards the plague-pit, and discharged their dreadful load within it.

I told him how it would be I begged him to desist; but no, he was blind, he was mad; he would rush on his own doom! I fulfilled my promise, and behold the result!" She pointed with a frantic gesture to the plague-pit, and wrung her beautiful hands with the same moaning of anguish. "Do I hear aright?" said Sir Norman, looking at her, and really doubting if his ears had not deceived him.

"That's true!" said Sir Norman, in a subdued tone, "and if such should unhappily be the case, nothing will remain but to live in hopes that he may be carried off by the plague." "Pray Heaven that we may not be carried off by it ourselves!" said Ormiston, with a slight shudder. "I shall dream of nothing but that horrible plague-pit for a week.

"Prudence, you did no such thing; you left her fainting, and in that state she was found and carried to the plague-pit." The old woman stood silent for a moment, with a face of intense horror, and then she clasped both hands with a wild cry. "O my God! And they buried her alive buried her alive in that dreadful plague-pit!"

Does it not seem sacrilege to throw any one so like an angel into that horrible plague-pit?" "I never saw an angel," said Ormiston, as he and his friend started to go after the dead-cart. "And I dare say there have been scores as beautiful as that poor girl thrown into the plague-pit before now. I wonder why the house has been deserted, and if she was really a bride.

It so chanced that the path they had taken led them near the site of the old plague-pit, and Leonard pointed it out to his companion. The latter stopped for a moment, and then, without saying a word, ran quickly towards it. On reaching the spot, they found that the pit was completely filled up.

As no pursuers appeared, Leonard could scarcely doubt that this was one of the distracted persons he had heard of, who, in the frenzy produced by the intolerable anguish of their sores, would often rush to the plague-pit and bury themselves, and he therefore resolved, if possible, to prevent the fatal attempt.

"Why did that woman leap into the plague-pit?" inquired George, looking at him curiously. "Was it not the sorceress, La Masque?" "Yes, yes. Do not ask me any questions now," replied Sir Norman, in a smothered voice, and with an impatient wave of his hand.

"She took the plague!" said Sir Norman, strange to say, not at all offended at the boy's familiarity. "And would have been thrown into the plague-pit but for me. And when she recovered she accepted me and cast him off!" "A quick exchange! The lady's heart must be most flexible, or unusually large, to be able to hold so many at once."

"Prudence is beyond all human aid, and so let her rest in peace. You were carried to the plague-pit yourself, for dead, were you not?" "Yes," answered the pale lips, while she shivered all over at the recollection. "And was saved by by whom were you saved, my dear?" "By two gentlemen." "Oh, I know that; what were their names?" "One was Mr.