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Some prefer leather or pigskin for a handgrip, but a cord binding keeps the hand from sweating and has an honest feel. The handle occupies a space of four inches with one and a quarter inches above the center and two and three-quarters below it. Finish off the edges of the cord binding with a band of thin leather half an inch wide.

They might as well have tried to stem Niagara. Warren and Hodge tackled like fiends. Dick at center and Tom at quarter worked together with the precision of a machine. Bert's mighty kicks were sure to find Caldwell or Drake under them when they came down, and three times he lifted the pigskin over the bars.

Freer brought instructions from Coach Robey, perhaps, for there was a lot of whispering when he reached the scene. With the pigskin almost on Phillips' fifteen yards and only a minute or two remaining it was up to Brimfield to pull off a score and do it quickly. It was third down, with six to go, and Phillips was holding better every minute.

The seats of good saddles are generally of pigskin, and the flaps of cow-hide. The fact of the seat being of buckskin or other rough leather will increase the lady's security in the saddle, but may somewhat detract from the smartness of her appearance, especially if the leather is white. I can see no objection to the seat of the saddle being of rough brown leather.

The full-back caught it and managed to rush back fifteen yards before he was fiercely downed. "Now's our chance, fellows!" called Frank, while Paul Bird came up, took the pigskin and waited for Lanky to give the signal. "I-m-p-o-r-t-a-n-c-e!" spelled out the quarter. Instantly after the last letter was given, there was a sudden movement.

Playing in sheer desperation, the cadets stopped the midshipmen when but a yard and a half had been gained. With the next play the gain was but half a yard. The third play was blocked, and once more the cadets received the pigskin. Both Army and Navy cheermasters now refrained from inviting din.

It was the third down and four and a half yards to gain. Back went the ball to Post and he kicked. But it was a poor performance, that kick, and only drove the pigskin down the side-line to the forty-yard line, where it bounded in touch. But it delayed the evil moment of another score for St. Eustace, and the seats cheered. "Twelve minutes left," announced Remsen. Relentless as fate the St.

Truly the boosters were howling themselves hoarse. There was frenzy on in an instant. To the knowing among the watchers there was no chance for Gridley to rush down on the enemy's goal line, but every yard -every foot, now -carried the pigskin just so much further from Gridley's goal line. Gridley's interference rushed in solidly about Dave Darrin, as though to boost him through.

In fact, after Williams' try for goal, the pigskin had never been nearer to Brimfield's last white mark than her thirty-five-yard line. Claflin averaged some four and a half pounds more than the home team, but in spite of that an unbiased critic would have given Brimfield the honours in the attacking game. Her play seemed smoother, her men better drilled.

A fumble by the full-back allowed Devoe to get through and fall on the ball. Erskine now knifed the Brown's line here and there and shot Gillam and Paul through for short gains and made her distance. Then, with the pigskin back in Robinson territory, Erskine was caught holding and Robinson once more took up her advance. Carey at right tackle weakened and the Brown piled her backs through him.