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His sleep will end when the dead pear-tree on the Walserfeld, which has been cut down three times but ever grows anew, blossoms. Then will he come forth, hang his shield on the tree, and begin a tremendous battle, in which the whole world will join, and in whose end the good will overcome the wicked, and the reign of virtue return to the earth.

With her hand up to her bare neck, and her cheeks indrawn from sucking the sweet, the little model fixed her eyes on the tree. Her expression did not change; she showed no signs of admiration. Her gaze passed on to the back windows of the house that really owned the pear-tree, spying out whether anyone could see her hoping, perhaps, someone would see her while she was feeling so nice and new.

The one little half-hour at bedtime when she allows me to speak English isn't a drop in the bucket. It's a mercy that I had studied French some before I came, or I would have a lonesome time. I wouldn't be able to ever talk at all." It was getting cold up in the pear-tree.

In landing, the airship collided with a pear-tree, which damaged the bows and tore open two sections of the envelope, but repairs on the spot enabled the return journey to Friedrichshafen to be begun 24 hours later.

He hesitated a minute. "No, not everything but something which to me seems now to fill and be mixed up with all I do, or think, or feel. Something you do not know but to-night Ursula said I might tell you." Nevertheless he was several minutes before he told me. "This pear-tree is full of fruit is it not?

And Uncle Philip would have made a diversion from the path to give George his favourite swing, quite up to the second branch of the great pear-tree. "Pray let George swing himself for once, brother. Hold your tongue, George! You are a very troublesome boy, and your uncle and I are busy. It is about your own affairs, brother, that I want to open my mind to you.

Molly sprang on to the pear-tree, which creaked and crackled under her weight; but Mrs. Hartrick was already in the land of dreams. Molly dropped on to the ground beneath, and then it was Nora's turn. "Shall I shut the window before I get on to the pear-tree?" whispered Nora. "No, no; leave it open. Come just as you are."

He had hoped that Erick would exhaust himself looking for him, for Churi had climbed up the high pear-tree which stood in the centre of their playground, and from there he could overlook Erick's inactivity and his stubborn resistance to being moved.

The house is built of brick; but the colour is toned down by age, and against the wall a pear-tree is trained upon one side, and upon the other a cherry-tree, so that at certain seasons one may rise in the morning and gather the fresh fruits from the window.

"Cost!" said Ike grimly, as he stood looking with one eye at the ladder, with the other at me "hundred hundred and twenty say a hundred pound at the very outside." "A hundred pounds!" I cried aghast. "Well, not more'n that," said Ike. "Trying to move it, was you? and why, you've smashed that branch off the pear-tree. I say, hadn't you better cut and run?"