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Alas, one cannot dress this patronage of art with too much of disinterestedness, for these marvellous weavings were for the adornment of the apartments of the very persons who caused their productions. The grand idea of state ateliers had not yet come to bless the industry. For this reason the factory at Fontainebleau outlasted the reign of its founder, Francis I, but a short time.

A fantastic spectacle! for as he passed and repassed the lamp, an elastic shadow crept noiselessly behind him, dodged beneath his feet, and anon outstretched itself like a sudden pit yawning before him. "This night repays the dreary years that lie behind. How have I outlasted them! What had I fallen on the very threshold of requital? all I had hoped and labored for, a failure!"

With this a brother of king Wu, called Khang-shu, was invested. The principality was afterwards increased by the absorption of Phei and Yung. It came to embrace portions of the present provinces of Kih-li, Shan-tung, and Ho-nan. It outlasted the dynasty of Kau itself, the last prince of Wei being reduced to the ranks of the people only during the dynasty of Khin.

On the third day the wind freshened and blew dead foul, decimating the horses with sea-sickness, prostrating three-fourths of the men, and shaking the two regiments down into a sociability which outlasted their sufferings. But the 52nd knew the 95th of old.

When she is not violent, her rambling chat is better to me than the sense and sanity of the world." Surely there is great depth of pathos in these unaffected words; in the love that has outlasted all the troubles of life, and is thus tenderly expressed, almost at his last hour. John Lamb, the elder brother of Charles, held a clerkship, with some considerable salary, in the South Sea House.

I rather maintain their truth. And in the features of the present time, I read change and revolution war, and uproar, and ruin the falling of kingdoms that have outlasted centuries, and the uprising of others that shall last for other centuries.

It had not been any coincidence of temperament or sympathies by rights, all the rights of their different natures, they had not belonged together any more than it had been a mere blind uprush of sensual desire. And just as his feelings for her had had nothing to do with reason, or with the practical conduct of his life so they had outlasted tenderness, faithfulness, respect.

All other nations, all other races, every person in the world should be interested in Egypt. Egypt is the lost child of Creation the dear, pitiful waif of genius and mystery of the world. She has kept the calendar of the ages has outlasted all other nations, and remains the same as they change and pass.

There was peace, too, in the very attitude leaning back, the head a little raised, the hands crossed, each folded round the other's wrist. Olive particularly noticed these hands. On the right was a marriage-ring which had outlasted two lives, mother and daughter; on the left, at the wedding-finger, was another, a hoop of gold with a single diamond.

Mell was not a bad sort of fellow, but hadn't a sixpence to bless himself with; and that there was no doubt that old Mrs. Mell, his mother, was as poor as job. I thought of my breakfast then, and what had sounded like 'My Charley! but I was, I am glad to remember, as mute as a mouse about it. The hearing of all this, and a good deal more, outlasted the banquet some time.