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With this a brother of king Wu, called Khang-shu, was invested. The principality was afterwards increased by the absorption of Phei and Yung. It came to embrace portions of the present provinces of Kih-li, Shan-tung, and Ho-nan. It outlasted the dynasty of Kau itself, the last prince of Wei being reduced to the ranks of the people only during the dynasty of Khin.

We are told that as he wished to hear the music of Kau, which he could do better in Lu than in any other state, they sang to him the odes of the Kau Nan and the Shao Nan; those of Phei, Yung, and Wei; of the Royal Domain; of Kang; of Khi; of Pin; of Khin; of Wei; of Thang; of Khan; of Kwei; and of Zhao.

It is contended by Ku Hsi and others that the text of these had been lost before the time of Confucius. The text of Lu. i. Immediately after the mention of the general collection in the Catalogue come the titles of two works of commentary on the text of Lu. The former of them was by a Shan Phei of whom we have some account in the Literary Biographies of Han.

WHEN king Wu overthrew the dynasty of Shang, the domain of its kings was divided into three portions, the northern portion being called Phei, the southern Yung, and the eastern Wei, the rulers of which last in course of time absorbed the other two. THE ZAH YUeEH. All the Chinese critics give this interpretation of the piece.