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Updated: August 4, 2024

So presently, as Beltane descended the stair, he heard the archer break forth again in doleful song. Across the wide market-square went Beltane, with brow o'ercast and head low-bowed until he came to one of the many doors of the great minster; there paused he to remove bascinet and mail-coif, and thus bareheaded, entered the cathedral's echoing dimness.

And all through this day those words have been ringing in my ears, and coming upon me like the pressure of King James's iron belt. 'Have they indeed? said Anne, 'I could hardly have believed it. I have not seen your "look o'ercast and lower," like his. 'Perhaps not, said Elizabeth; 'but yet I was like him. "Forward he rushed with double glee Into the tide of revelry."

The weather that greeted us on our unheralded arrival in Scotland was of the precise sort offered by Edinburgh to her unfortunate queen, when, 'After a youth by woes o'ercast, After a thousand sorrows past, The lovely Mary once again Set foot upon her native plain.

Saturnus first governed, with fatherly smile, Each day then resembled the last; Then flourished the shepherds, a race without guile Their bliss by no care was o'ercast, They loved, and no other employment they had, And earth gave her treasures with willingness glad.

In clearer articulation sings a dual song, still softly o'ercast with sweet sadness, ever richer in the harmonies of multiple strings, tipped with the light mood, and again the wistful cadence. Siren figures of entrancing grace that move amid the other melody, bring enchantment that has no cheer, nor escape the insistent sighing phrase.

"And kindness like their own Inspired those eyes, affectionate and glad, That seem'd to love whate'er they looked upon; Whether with Hebe's mirth her features shone, Or if a shade more pleasing them o'ercast Yet so becomingly th' expression past, That each succeeding look was lovelier than the last." Gertrude of Wyoming. The western wing of St.

O lady! there be many things That seem right fair above; But sure not one among them all Is half so sweet as love; Let us not pay our vows alone, But join two altars into one. Here still is the smile that no cloud can o'ercast, And the heart, and the hand, all thy own to the last. Mr.

Then in the orchard you can see not only "the daisy," but many of them, and, if you wish, Mrs. Dixon will let you dig a bunch of the daisies to take back to America; and if you do, I hope that yours will prosper as have mine, and that Wordsworth's flowers, like Wordsworth's verse, will gladden your heart when the blue sky of your life threatens to be o'ercast with gray.

Here enter not fond makers of demurs In love adventures, peevish, jealous curs, Sad pensive dotards, raisers of garboils, Hags, goblins, ghosts, firebrands of household broils, Nor drunkards, liars, cowards, cheaters, clowns, Thieves, cannibals, faces o'ercast with frowns, Nor lazy slugs, envious, covetous, Nor blockish, cruel, nor too credulous, Here mangy, pocky folks shall have no place, No ugly lusks, nor persons of disgrace.

Eyes fell upon eyes; and the first to seek combat singular was the Wazir Dandan, he and the army of Syria, numbering thirty thousand bridles, and with him were the General of the Turks, and the General of Daylam, Rustam and Bahram, amid twenty thousand horse, behind whom came the men from the shores of the Salt Sea, clad in iron mail, as they were full moons that past through a night o'ercast.

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