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She pointed out where the boat must come in; and thither the Earl directed his steps, feeling as if he were going to place himself under a nutmeg-grater, as he thought how James Frost would receive the implied distrust of his guardianship.

"Cooee Dent!" "Yes, dear." The girl's tone was nonchalant, even while the telltale color came into her cheeks. "What are you doing here?" "Visiting you, of course." "Visiting me! But, Cooee, I really don't know where I can put you." With perfect composure, Ethel passed her hand over the surface of the cot. "Oh, I think this nutmeg-grater will carry two.

And I lay there smiling and happy, blind to everything that was before me, and I only laughed when Dinky-Dunk asked me if I'd still say that when I found there wasn't a nutmeg-grater within seven miles of my kitchen. "Do you love me?" I demanded, hanging on to him right in front of the car-porter. "I love you better than anything else in all this wide world!" was his slow and solemn answer.

Sometimes poor Margaret Lee wished that Camille had been definitely vicious, if only she might be possessed of more of the characteristics of breeding. Camille so irritated Margaret in those somewhat abstruse traits called sensibilities that she felt as if she were living with a sort of spiritual nutmeg-grater. Seldom did Camille speak that she did not jar Margaret, although unconsciously.

And various barristers, who fifteen years since were handsome, smooth-faced young men, had now a complexion rough as a nutmeg-grater, and red with that unhealthy colour which is produced by long hours in a poisonous atmosphere. The Courts at Westminster, for cramped space and utter absence of ventilation, are nothing short of a disgrace to a civilized nation.

Powers therefore set his mind to the problem of inventing some means or some instrument by which this source of trouble could be avoided; and after considerable vexation, not so much in perfecting his own conception of the thing needed as in getting careless and not very competent workmen to execute his orders, he perfected a file of the necessary fineness upon the principle of a nutmeg-grater.

'You are quite worried and tired. Oh! it has made you cough! You had better lie down and rest. 'I want you to put me into good humour, said he, half reclining on the sofa. 'I feel as if I had been under a nutmeg-grater! What do you think of her taking me to task for having Fotheringham here, for fear he should marry Theodora!

Sprinkling dewy drops about them on the ground, they seemed profuse of innocent and sparkling mirth, that did good where it lighted, softening neglected corners which the steady rain could seldom reach, and hurting nothing. This village Inn had assumed, on being established, an uncommon sign. It was called The Nutmeg-Grater.

Joe, with black hair and eyes, had such a prevailing redness of skin that I sometimes used to wonder whether it was possible she washed herself with a nutmeg-grater instead of soap. She was tall and bony, and almost always wore a coarse apron, fastened over her figure behind with two loops, and having a square impregnable bib in front, that was stuck full of pins and needles.

'I don't know, replied his wife. 'I haven't read a word of it. "To be sold by Auction," read the host of the Nutmeg-Grater, "unless previously disposed of by private contract." 'They always put that, said Clemency. 'Yes, but they don't always put this, he returned. 'Look here, "Mansion," &c. "offices," &c., "shrubberies," &c., "ring fence," &c. "Messrs.