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The "copy" he had done for the first issue of the Daily had not been used; on this day he had been sent upon an interview and had obtained from his subject a wretched dozen words. These he had taken to the news-editor; and the news-editor had treated them and him with contempt. "But that's all he would say," poor Bill had expostulated. "All he would say!" the news-editor sneered.

I've got you. May I take it that you will reciprocate when the time comes?" "Have I ever failed you?" "No. We meet as strangers." Peters bustled off. He had the reputation of being the smartest "writer up" in London of mystery cases. The Steynholme affair had interested both him and a shrewd news-editor. The pair arrived at the Hare and Hounds within a few minutes of each other.

"How do you know he is old?" snapped the news editor. Bat didn't volunteer on that point. "Ask him what his name is," suggested Brydges. "What did you say the name was? Matthews Matthews is that it? Wait, please!" The news-editor put his hand over the mouth piece of the telephone. "Know anything about him, Bat?" "I should say I do! Choke it off!

Seven sub-editors "spiked" it, three made of it a "fill-par.," one gave it a headline and sent it up as an eight-line "news-par."; one, in the offices of the Daily, read it, laughed; spoke to the news-editor; finally carried it up to Mr. Bitt. Mr. Bitt's journalistic nose gave one sniff. The thing was done.

"What do you take the Senator for? He knows nothing about it; but it's in his constituency, and I guess his own paper should see that the account which goes in is straight." The news-editor hoisted his foot to the seat of a chair and stood racing his eyes through sheet after sheet of Brydges's copy. Bat lighted a cigar, put his hands in his pockets and pivoted on his heels.

I recall one occasion when consideration of some tyrannical act of our immediate chief, the news-editor, led our talk by way of character and morality to questions of religion. The Daily Gazette, I should mention, was a favourite organ with the most powerful religious community the Nonconformists.

"I always knew my own mind," John replied. Mr. Clotworthy turned him over to Mr. Tarleton, the news-editor, who was instructed to give him hints on his work and introduce him to other members of the staff.

At first he rose a very little way, despite his ambition, because in every branch of letters imperfect education is an insuperable obstacle. Still he could become news-editor, descriptive reporter, paragraph writer, and even, in the case of country papers, editor.

No; I still clung to my general convictions, which fitted the policy of the Daily Gazette. But the fact remained that in treating that gathering as I did, on the lines laid down by my news-editor, I knew that I was being dishonest, that I was conveying an untrue impression. In this feeling, as in most of a young man's keen feelings, the personal element played a considerable part.

She plainly belonged to the immigrant section of Smelter City. The news-editor never took his eyes from Bat's copy. They were eyes made for drilling holes into the motives behind facts. Bat emitted a whistle that was a laugh. "Hullo," he said. "I knew they were coming on younger every year; but I didn't know we had gone into the kindergarten business yet. You don't want a job?