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Neither was the cure of it in the emancipation of the slaves. He did not deny that he wished them this latter blessing. But, alas, in their present degraded state, they were unfit for it! Liberty was the child of reason and order. It was indeed a plant of celestial growth, but the soil must be prepared for its reception.

She had, as Aminta had, the self-collected and self-cancelled look, a realm in a look, that was neither depth nor fervour, nor a bestowal, nor an allurement; nor was it an exposure, though there seemed no reserve. One would be near the meaning in declaring it to bewilder men with the riddle of openhandedness.

He replied that she was very kind, angelically kind, but that the sick man was recovering fast, and that she had already given him far too much. Neither of them said anything that might not have been heard by everybody, and yet they whispered as if they were speaking of some forbidden thing.

I do not indeed swear by an opinion because it is old; but neither do I fall in love with every extravagance at first sight because it is new.

Neither the superintendent nor Nick nor any other person there doubted a single statement of his story. "When Gaspard identified me as the man in room A," Hammond continued, "I thought I saw a chance to save Mr. Jones very easily, and so I told a falsehood." "It was a foolish thing to do," said Nick. "The truth is always best. If we had known at the outset what we know now, Mr.

'Mother, you must either open the door or come downstairs, he cried with decision. 'This has gone on long enough. Which will you do? 'I'll do neither, was the angry reply. 'What right have you to order me about, I'd like to know? You mind your business, and I'll mind mine. 'All right. Then I shall send for a man at once, and have the door forced. Mrs.

They were furnished simply, almost meagrely, in mahogany, there being scarcely any two articles alike, though all dated from the beginning of the century. Neither the bed nor the windows nor the doors had any hangings. On the floor of bare tiles, coloured red and polished, there were merely some little foot-mats in front of the various seats.

There was neither gas nor electric light laid on. The house had relapsed into quiet. The bedroom had an evil look and this, combined with the dank air from the canal, gave my thoughts a sombre tinge. "Well," I said to myself, "you're a nice kind of ass!

"Of my long wanderings in other lands and beneath brighter skies I need not tell you; but neither absence nor lapse of years cooled my desire of vengeance, and when the appointed time drew nigh I returned to my own country, and came hither in a lowly garb, under the name of Nicholas Demdike." "Ha!" exclaimed the abbot.

The firm Christian principles of Philip of Mornay were now almost the only barrier which stood in the way of the conversion of Henry. The Catholic lords offered Mornay twenty thousand crowns of gold if he would no more awaken the scruples of the king. Nobly he replied, "The conscience of my master is not for sale, neither is mine."