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Updated: August 19, 2024

And this was the woman I had hardly been able to treat civilly, so nauseating were her fawnings and flatterings! "So!" I said, ignoring her and opening my batteries full upon the old man. "You are taking orders from Mowbray Langdon now. Why?" As I spoke, I was conscious that there had been some change in Anita. I looked at her. With startled eyes and lips apart, she was advancing toward me.

In the dim light of a smoky lantern, the swaying crowd, here singing in maudlin chorus, there fighting savagely to pay off old scores or to avenge new insults, presented a nauseating spectacle.

Penny scanned him as though his very appearance were nauseating. "Well, why did you bag it?" "I didn't." "I say, you're a bit of a liar, aren't you?" "Well, if I'm a bit of a liar, you're a lot of one." "My dear little boy," said Penny, with intent to hurt, "we all know the reputation for lying you had at your last school."

"Murphy," said "Slim," "do you remember what happened to 'Gat' Mollwitz and 'Beanie' Wilson?" Did he remember? A nauseating feeling gripped him. "Gat" and "Beanie" had defied the "Gink" and they were found one morning beaten and kicked, broken and bleeding. They died in agony a few hours later. "Don't, 'Slim, don't!" he gasped. "Out with it, then, who was that with you last night?

He found her responsive, intelligent. His work, a sealed book to his women before, lay open to her. Now and then their professional discussions ended in something different. The two lines of their interest converged. "Gad!" he said one day. "I look forward to these evenings. I can talk shop with you without either shocking or nauseating you.

They are the backbone of all drama; and I love drama inordinately. They put the iron into men's souls, and the grit into their characters. Think what a nauseating crew of sentimentalists we should be, 'If all had love, as every nest hath eggs, And every head of maize her feathery cap.

It might be possible to describe it if some one should discover a process by which to distil from the atmosphere all the nauseating elements with which it is charged by the catarrhal exhalations of every individual lodger, young or old. Yet, in spite of these stale horrors, the sitting-room is as charming and as delicately perfumed as a boudoir, when compared with the adjoining dining-room.

The evening dragged its slow length along, and dragged Cornelia with it. To be where she was, was insupportable; but to go back to the Parsonage was worse still; and the thought of the solitary drive thither with the overflowing Mr. Reynolds filled her with a nauseating pain of anticipation.

Concluding that he had but a short time to live, my friend threw away the nauseating medicines, ate whatever he had a natural desire for, and was soon as well as ever the obvious moral of which is, that we can get whatever treatment we need most beneficially from our food. Our physicians are most serious and thoughtful men.

Again An-ina nodded. "Him storm plenty sure," she agreed. "Boss come quick?" "Right away." A moment later An-ina was leading the way up the long slope of the snow-drift, returning over the tracks which her own moccasins had left. The atmosphere of the hut was oppressive. It reeked with the smoke of wood fire. It was nauseating with a dreadful human foulness.

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