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Updated: August 22, 2024

I can draw you a picture of them. 'Lucy, for Heaven's sake, don't go waving your arms about in that idiotic manner! Recollect every one can see you from the Mall. 'Let them see! They'll think I am rehearsing for The Fallen Angel. Look! There's The Mussuck. How badly he rides. There! She blew a kiss to the venerable Indian administrator with infinite grace.

'Ask Captain Sangar; he was on the other side. Well, as I was saying, The Mussuck dilated. 'I think I can see him doing it, said Mrs. Mallowe pensively, scratching her fox-terrier's ears. 'I was properly impressed. Most properly. I yawned openly. "Strict supervision, and play them off one against the other," said The Mussuck, shovelling down his ice by tureenfuls, I assure you. "That, Mrs.

He knew more about the Gullals than any living man. Had a vast knowledge of the aboriginal tribes; was, in spite of his juniority, the greatest authority on the aboriginal Gullals. No one quite knew who or what the Gullals were till The Mussuck, who had been calling on Mrs.

Hauksbee, is the secret of our Government." Mrs. Mallowe laughed long and merrily. 'And what did you say? 'Did you ever know me at loss for an answer yet? I said: "So I have observed in my dealings with you." The Mussuck swelled with pride. He is coming to call on me to-morrow. The Hawley Boy is coming too. "Strict supervision and play them off one against the other. That, Mrs.

When the duff came some one really ought to teach them to make puddings at Tyrconnel The Mussuck was at liberty to attend to me. 'Sweet soul! I know his appetite, said Mrs. Mallowe. 'Did he, oh did he, begin his wooing? 'By a special mercy of Providence, no. He explained his importance as a Pillar of the Empire. I didn't laugh. 'Lucy, I don't believe you.

A Captain of the Pink Hussars watering up his charger before parade like the blasted boozing Colonel of a Black Regiment! M. You never did! G. Once only. He squelched like a mussuck, and the Troop-Sergeant-Major cocked his eye at me. You know old Haffy's eye. I was afraid to do it again. M. I should think so. That was the best way to rupture old Van Loo's tummy, and make him crumple you up.

'No, dear, but somebody's scalp is generally drying at your wigwam-door. Soaking rather. This was an allusion to the Hawley Boy, who was in the habit of riding all across Simla in the Rains, to call on Mrs. Hauksbee. That lady laughed. 'For my sins, the Aide at Tyrconnel last night told me off to The Mussuck. Hsh! Don't laugh. One of my most devoted admirers.

'Polly, if you heap compliments on me like this, I shall cease to believe that you're a woman. Tell me how I am to be a Power. 'Inform The Mussuck that he is the most fascinating and slimmest man in Asia, and he'll tell you anything and everything you please. 'Bother The Mussuck! I mean an intellectual Power not a gas-power. Polly, I'm going to start a salon. Mrs.

Did The Mussuck come to you with the Civil List and, dropping on one knee no, two knees, a la Gibbon hand it to you and say, "Adorable angel, choose your friend's appointment"? 'Lucy, your long experiences of the Military Department have demoralised you. One doesn't do that sort of thing on the Civil Side. 'No disrespect meant to Jack's Service, my dear. I only asked for information.

The two looked down on the now rapidly filling road, for all Simla was abroad to steal a stroll between a shower and a fog. 'How do you propose to fix that river? Look! There's The Mussuck head of goodness knows what. He is a power in the land, though he does eat like a costermonger. There's Colonel Blone, and General Grucher, and Sir Dugald Delane, and Sir Henry Haughton, and Mr. Jellalatty.

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