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Once the Nodding Donkey's leg was broken and he was brought back here for Mr. Mugg to fix." "Who is Mr. Mugg?" asked the Trumpeter, as he rubbed his horn to make it more shiny. "Excuse me for asking, but I have not been here very long, you know," he added. "Mr. Horatio Mugg is the man who keeps this toy store," explained the China Cat.

By this time the straw had set fire to some of the wooden boxes which Mr. Mugg had opened that day to take out the toys. The burning straw and wood made more smoke than ever, so that the China Cat choked, and the Talking Doll was coughing so hard she could not speak. "Hurry with that water!" ordered the Policeman. "Squirt a lot of water from the hose on the blaze, Mr. Fireman!"

"No, thank you, Joe," said Doctor Dolittle. "I don't want any seamen. I couldn't afford to hire them. And then they hamper me so, seamen do, when I'm at sea. They're always wanting to do things the proper way; and I like to do them my way Now let me see: who could we take with us?" "There's Matthew Mugg, the cat's-meat-man," I said. "No, he wouldn't do.

"Perhaps, after the store is closed to-night, as the workshop of Santa Claus is closed, I may speak to her." Up and down and to and fro the head of the Nodding Donkey moved as Geraldine Mugg dusted him. Then she set him back on the shelf, as her sister did the China Cat. "Come here, Daughters, and see this set of Soldiers," called Mr. Mugg, who was unpacking more toys from the box.

"An' I didn't get any black on yo'; did I, Miss China Cat?" "No, indeed. You were very nice," was the answer. "Come and play with us again." Then it was time for the toys to be very still and quiet, for the door of the store opened, and in came Mr. Mugg. "Ah, this is going to be a lovely day!" said the jolly toy-shop man. "I shall do a good business to-day!"

"I suppose not," said the Nodding Donkey, somewhat sadly. "Move along, everybody! Move back to your places! Daylight is coming!" called the Policeman, as he walked past swinging his club. And, a little later, when all the toys were back on the shelves, the sun rose, and in came Mr. Mugg to open the store for the day.

But she got blackened in the fire, and it didn't wash off in the flood, though goodness knows it rained enough!" "I should say so," agreed the sergeant. "Well, leave the China Cat here, and I will send her back to Mr. Mugg. You didn't see any of his other stolen toys, did you?" "No," the policeman answered, "I did not.

After a while it began to grow dark in the store, just as it had grown dark in the workshop of Santa Claus. "Now I will soon be able to move about and talk to the other toys," thought the Nodding Donkey. But this was not to be just yet. "Turn on the lights, Angelina," called Mr. Mugg to his daughter, and soon the store was glowing brightly. "Hum!

"That's right," said the Clown, and he made a polite bow to the Plush Bear and the Wax Doll. "Sidney, the boy who owns me, was playing circus with me. His brother, who owns the Monkey on a Stick, was trying to make me jump over the Monkey, when my cap caught on the stick and was ripped off. So they brought me here to have Mr. Mugg make me a new one.

"It is a lovely piece of work." "Yes, it is one of my choicest toys," said Mr. Mugg. "It can not talk, like some of my dolls, nor spring about like some of the Jumping Jacks. But the Cat is so clean and white that it would be an ornament in any home." "She'll look lovely on my bureau," said Jennie. "Does her head come off, Mr.