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I will fly hence I will see him no more! Write to me, Monkton exhort me, admonish me, or forsake me for ever. I am happy yet wretched: I wander in the delirium of a fatal fever, in which I see dreams of a brighter life, but every one of them only brings me nearer to death. Day after day I have lingered here, until weeks have flown and for what?

I met your father once; may I ask if his wound is serious?" "Serious, yes, but not mortal; he was shot in the right side when Monkton fell. His horse was hit at the same time, and the animal's death struggle nearly killed his rider. The surgeon says he may be lame for life." I reached out my hand, and, with just an instant's hesitation, he returned the clasp warmly.

"Yes; and on a very curious expedition. I am going to Monkton's rooms, by his own invitation." "You don't mean it! Upon my honor, you're a bold fellow to trust yourself alone with 'Mad Monkton' when the moon is at the full." "He is ill, poor fellow. Besides, I don't think him half as mad as you do."

But there is one feeling which had its origin in the world, and which accompanies me still; which consecrates my recollections of the past; which contributes to take its gloom from the solitude of the present:-Do you ask me its nature, Monkton? It is my friendship for you. I wish that I could convey to you, dear Monkton, the faintest idea of the pleasures of indolence.

We set sail for England on a calm and lovely afternoon. For the first time since I had known him, Monkton seemed to be in high spirits. He talked and jested on all sorts of subjects, and laughed at me for allowing my cheerfulness to be affected by the dread of seasickness.

After saying these necessary words of explanation, I opened the first page, and began the story of my Own Adventure. I observed that my audience started a little as I read the title, which I must add, in my own defense, had been almost forced on my choice by the peculiar character of the narrative. It was "MAD MONKTON." BROTHER GRIFFITH'S STORY of MAD MONKTON

Early in 1768 Anderson had the misfortune to lose a vessel laden with goods for the India trade. James Simonds mentions this incident in a letter to Hazen & Jarvis and remarks: "We imagine the loss of Mr. Anderson's vessel will cause more trade to come to us than we should have had if she had gone safe." The ferry between Fredericton and the Nashwaak was called in early times Monkton ferry.

I returned from college to spend the long vacation at home, and made some advances toward bettering my acquaintance with young Monkton. They were evaded certainly with perfect politeness, but still in such a way as to prevent me from offering my friendship to him again.

Monkton had met so rumor reported a Turkish lady of position, flirted with her, it was said, while on horseback outside her motor when caught in the crush at Kasr-el-Nil bridge. There had been a meeting or two in the back of shops, and then he had boasted, lightheartedly, of a design to take tea in her harem. He had never boasted about the tea.

Rollox. My mother's family were of gentle blood. He married Catherine Walter, daughter of the founder of the Times. Their son, Richard Winsloe, was sent to Oxford to study for the Church. He ran away with Charlotte Monkton, aged 17. They were caught at Evesham and brought back to be married next day at Taunton, where Admiral Monkton was living.