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I've never monkeyed with these here hair tonics, but I'd be willing to take a whirl at them." "Here she comes now. You can ask her." "Did you sleep well?" the young woman asked, after we had exchanged morning greetings. "Clear round the clock and then some more. You must have had a fine night's rest yourself from what I hear. On watch till one, and nursing Dugan from one. Wasn't that about it?"

So th' punchers got to totin' wire-snips, an' when they runs up agin a fence they cuts down half a mile or so. Sometimes they'd tie their ropes to a strand an' pull off a couple of miles an' then go back after th' rest. Th' ranch bosses sent out men to watch th' fences an' told 'em to shoot any festive puncher that monkeyed with th' hardware.

"That settles it," said Puss Parker, promptly. "Better wait and see," advised Bruce Browning. "Diamond may not give up when he gets his breath." "It doesn't look as if he'd ever get his breath again." Harry Rattleton was at Frank's side, swiftly saying: "Why didn't you knock him out and show the fellows what you can do? You monkeyed with the goat too long.

He forgot to prop the door, and as soon as he monkeyed with the trigger he set it off and down came the door with a bang. It worked beautifully. "When Dad realized that he had caught himself he was sorry he had made such a solid door. He couldn't think of any way of getting out, and there wasn't nobody within five miles. Dad yelled for about an hour and then quit.

Since you've never monkeyed with the stuff, it might make you conspicuous if you went around buying up a load of hootch. And of course I can't appear in this thing at all. But I have what I think is a very good plan." Casey looked at him inquiringly, and again Nolan laughed. "Nothing for it, Casey, we'll have to locate a still and rob it. That, or make some of our own, which takes time.

"Well, I'm Bad Buckrow, and I was Bad Buckrow afore ever I saw ye, and I had a bit of brains of my own afore ever I met up with ye, Thirkle. Ye can bear that in mind. See how ye come out when ye monkeyed with me. Them other two fools went off in the wood and plugged one another, but that ain't me, Thirkle.

"Give me your blamed old message, and I'll send it for you." Now there wasn't a through wire to any place at the time, but I had thought of a scheme to stave him off. I took his telegram, went over and monkeyed around the switch board for a while, and then sat down to a local instrument and went through the form of sending a message.

The only thing against him, I'd say, is that he looks about half crazy sorter dippy, off his nut, batty. "To make the story short, seeing's it's so late, I up and told him I wasn't there to be monkeyed with. I wanted five thousand dollars out o' him mighty quick or I'd tell all I knowed about the murder of his father. Well, you's orter seen him set up! I thought he was going to die on the spot.

"If you hadn't monkeyed about at the hospital we should never have met!"

"Enough to be certain he ain't to be monkeyed with, ma'am." She seemed to ignore this. "Please tell the engineer to go ahead," she told him. "And then come into the car I want to talk with you."