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But all that Willan thought was that Victor and his daughter were far quieter and modester people than he had supposed, and seemed disposed to keep themselves to themselves in a most proper fashion.

So I will even translate thy words into thy mistress' intention, and say she is dying of melancholy till she sees him." "Thou wilt be a false varlet an' thou dost, and I will never trust thee with message more. Such leasing will only harm thee, for Master Miles knows there is not in America nor in dear old Devonshire a modester or properer young lady.

Now, John was as fine a young man as you would meet in a day's traveling; and as for Rose, her name went far and near for beauty: and with justice, for the sun never shone on a fairer, meeker, or modester virgin than Rose Galh O'Hallaghan.

"Thou hast; and a fairer, or a modester, or a tenderer, and yet, unless my judgment err, a firmer at need, is not to be found among all the excellent of her excellent sex. But thou wouldst scarce think of bestowing Adelheid in reward for such a service on one so little known, or without her wishes being consulted?"

Possibly this consideration made you go away much modester than you came. "After all," you may have said, "it is not a gallery; it is not a museum. It is a house of prayer," and you emerged, let us hope, humbled, and in so far fitted for renewed joy in the beauty, the glory of the sublime colonnades.

I don't know much about her, but they say she was a very good sort of woman, and it's likely the eldest girl took after her. A quieter and modester girl than Eve there never was. Our Martha lived with her aunt at Walsall that's my only sister, and she was bed-rid, poor thing, and had Martha to look after her.

"They're some modester, though." "Why?" "They ain't expectin' that folks'll be lookin' at 'em." "Mr. Masters likes me to wear bright dresses." "Then do it, child. It's considerable of a pleasure to have his eyes pleased. Do you know what a husband you've got, Diana?" "Yes." "He's 'most like one o' them flowers himself.

Then, as if it would be modester in the proprietor of the view to leave them to their flattering raptures in it, he moved away and stood talking a moment with Cynthia Whitwell near the door of the serving-room. He talked gayly, with many tosses of the head and turns about, while she listened with a vague smile, motionlessly. "She's very pretty," said Miss Vostrand to her mother. "Yes.

At any rate her face when I caught sight of it again made me think of the girl described in the 'Biglow Papers': "''Twas kin' o' kingdom come to look On sech a blessed creatur. A dogrose blushin' to a brook Ain't modester nor sweeter." So the train went off, and Derrick and I were left to idle about Southampton and kill time as best we might.

"If he can but make your heart easy," said Cecilia, smiling, "we will not grieve that the fine ladies should escape the prophecy." "O, ma'am, I don't mean by that to say he has been over gay among the ladies, for it's a thing I never heard of him; and I dare say if any lady was to take a fancy to him, she'd find there was not a modester young man in the world.