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Menaces that his post should be taken away from him, terms the most severe and the most unusual, rained upon Courtenvaux, who, fainting with fright, and ready to sink under the ground, had neither the time nor the means to prefer a word. The reprimand finished by the King saying, "Get out." He had scarcely the strength to obey.

After our Army and Navy had remained on the frontier and coasts of Mexico for many weeks without any hostile movement on her part, though her menaces were continued, I deemed it important to put an end, if possible, to this state of things.

'Let God arise and let His enemies be scattered. The warnings and menaces of what are called the Imprecatory Psalms show us plainly that His enemies must be ours." He closed his book, and came to shiver over the very inadequate fire which was all he allowed himself. Every shilling that he could put aside was being saved in order to provide his church with a new set of altar furniture.

"I did." "When?" "When you knocked Sol Burton down; that man meant me harm. I could have defended myself against him, but a greater peril menaces me to-night." "What peril menaces you?" "I have no confidant in the world; shall I make one of you?" "Yes." "My confidence may get you into trouble." "How sad." "You are a brave, noble man; you will desire to act as my champion."

This was why he thought she ought not to be so much at her ease. Then, suddenly, as if lashing his sides to get into a greater rage, he spoke in a way such a speech would have deserved, added menaces, said that he would have the Duc de Bourgogne to fear me, to put me aside, and separate himself entirely from me.

Monsignor Moretti has just left the house, wrapt up in his wrath like a bird of prey in a thunder- cloud, muttering menaces against 'Gys Grandit' the Socialist writer. Now what in the world has Gys Grandit to do with him or with us?

Pontchartrain, who came and reasoned with her, was even less successful than I, for he excited her by threats and menaces. M. le Prince himself supported us having no longer any hope for himself, and fearing, above all things, M. de Mantua's marriage with a Lorraine and did all he could to persuade Madame de Lesdiguieres to give in.

Dan went to his bureau and took out his father's old pistol, that had done duty in the West India trade years ago, when pirates were not romantic memories but genuine menaces. "Sh!" whispered Dan as he opened the door. "Let's blow out the candle. It's moonlight, and we will be safer without it. Be careful as you go down stairs not to wake Mother and Nancy."

"Well, then? since reasons, prayers, and menaces are all in vain," said Adrienne gathering energy from her desperate position, "I declare to you that I will go out and that instantly. We will see if you are bold enough to employ force against me." So saying, Adrienne advanced resolutely towards the door.

Politically, however, Arabia is weak, as has been shown in a former volume; while geographically she presents to the north her most arid and untraversable regions, so that it is rarely, and only under very exceptional circumstances, that she menaces seriously her northern neighbors.