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Now, if we maintain festivals and formalities for the healthy continuance and honour of a pastime or of a personal affection, shall we not maintain a festival and a mighty one in behalf of a faith which makes the corporate human existence bearable amid the menaces and mysteries that for ever threaten it, the faith of universal goodwill and mutual confidence?

Between him and the vassal of France there could, in such circumstances, be no cordial good will. There was no open rupture, no interchange of menaces or reproaches. But the father in law and the son in law were separated completely and for ever.

It was not until I found her examining his cabinet by means of a false key that he dismissed her; but madame had contrived to leave her glamour over me, and now and then the memory of her parting menaces would return with an unexpected pang of fear.

The feeble minority of Alaric could not assist or protect an unfortunate fugitive; the pusillanimous Goths were intimidated by the menaces of Clovis; and the Roman king, after a short confinement, was delivered into the hands of the executioner.

He had a quaint way of cutting out all the customary boasts and menaces preceding an encounter, and going straight to the heart of the matter. Therefore, Slats Corbett did not undertake anything in the way of a belligerent and retaliatory enterprise now.

While this was passing in the palace of the King of Samandal, those of King Saleh's attendants who had fled at the first menaces of that king put the queen mother into terrible consternation upon relating the danger her son was in.

He so terrified with his menaces Tedius Afer, the consul elect , for having reflected upon some action of his, that he threw himself from a great height, and died on the spot.

By earliest daylight they come crowding around the camp, as though they expected to find something eatable there. Disappointed in their hope, they grin and chatter, showing their teeth like the dogs. More especially are their menaces directed toward "the doctor;" and the poor fellow is frightened to a death-like pallor, notwithstanding his sable skin.

Shall I mention your coup d'essai at Turin? the trick you played at Fontainebleau, where you robbed the Princess Palatine's courier upon the highway? and for what purpose was this fine exploit, but to put you in possession of some proofs of her affection for another, in order to give her uneasiness and confusion by reproaches and menaces, which you had no right to use?

He possessed the art of divining future events from the various indications that manifest themselves in fire, in smoke, and in other ways, but to have set the highest value upon the communications of the dead, whom by spells and incantations he constrained to appear and answer his enquiries; and he is represented as pouring out tremendous menaces against them, when they shewed themselves tardy to attend upon his commands.