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To chasten and idealise the Revolution, and to prepare a Republic that should not be a terror to mankind, but should submit easily to the fascination of a melodious and sympathetic eloquence, he wrote the History of the Girondins. The success was the most instantaneous and splendid ever obtained by a historical work.

Shelley is generally and I think most justly regarded as a peculiarly melodious versifier: but it must not be supposed that he is rigidly exact in his use of rhyme. The contrary can be proved from the entire body of his poems. Adonais is, in this respect, neither more nor less correct than his other writings.

We understand many of the properties of colour, and have unconsciously learned some of its laws; but what may be called the science of colour has never been formulated. So far as we understand it, its principles correspond curiously to those of melodious sound.

And, as I now was close to her, I perceived that she must have some aromatic drug in her mouth, as it smelt strongly this gave me the supposition that the breath which drew such melodious tones was not equally sweet, and I felt a certain increased degree of disgust. "I am very grateful, Miss Judd," replied I; "I hope I shall prove that I am attached when you confide in me."

Yet the need of such a more or less melodious and even more or less harmonious accompaniment has always been felt, and even the poorest substitute for decent music has been tolerated, as seeing long reels in a darkened house without any tonal accompaniment fatigues and ultimately irritates an average audience. The music relieves the tension and keeps the attention awake.

Say I not well, Donna Paola?" he added, turning to the young lady. A rich colour mounted to her brow, as with kindling eye she replied, "Heaven will favour the righteous cause, and aid you, General Bermudez, and your brave followers, in the glorious undertaking." She spoke in a firm yet sweet and melodious voice, and I at once saw that she was an enthusiast in the cause.

She passed her hands over Wilfrid's brow; then the following sentences escaped her lips, one by one, all different in tone and accent, but all melodious, full of a Goodness that seemed to emanate from her head in vaporous waves, like the gleams the goddess chastely lays upon Endymion sleeping. "I cannot show myself such as I am to thee, dear Wilfrid, to thee who art strong.

Whatever love could do to make it fair Richard did; and it pleased him to think that his wife would come to it in the spring of the year, that the orange-trees would be in bloom to meet her, and the mocking-birds be pouring out their fiery little hearts in melodious welcomes.

"You say, baron," resumed the host, "that you paid no attention to the complaints of your peasantry?" "I did like Ulysses, gentlemen; I stopped my ears with wax, that my heart might not grow weak." "A melodious siren song, to be sure," laughed the company; "a dirge of bread! bread! bread!" "Ah, you know the song, I perceive," said the Baron von Josephi, joining in the laugh.

The Dutch clock in the corner struck Ten when the Carrier sat down by his fireside. So troubled and grief-worn that he seemed to scare the Cuckoo, who, having cut his ten melodious announcements as short as possible, plunged back into the Moorish Palace again, and clapped his little door behind him, as if the unwonted spectacle were too much for his feelings.