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Nominative Mein gutER Freund, my good friend. Genitives MeinES GutEN FreundES, of my good friend. Dative MeinEM gutEN Freund, to my good friend. Accusative MeinEN gutEN Freund, my good friend. N. MeinE gutEN FreundE, my good friends. G. MeinER gutEN FreundE, of my good friends. D. MeinEN gutEN FreundEN, to my good friends. A. MeinE gutEN FreundE, my good friends.

Swallowed him in the Thames, without a doubt; for you will notice that the last entry in the book is dated 'London, and is of the same date as the Times, and says, 'Ber confequentz der Kreigeseflarun, reife ich heute nach Deutchland ab, aur bak ich mein leben auf dem Ultar meines Landes legen mag' , as clean native German as anybody can put upon paper, and means that in consequence of the declaration of war, this loyal soul is leaving for home to-day, to fight.

Musäus is named as an imitator of Sterne by Koberstein, and Erich Schmidt implies in hisRichardson, Rousseau und Goethe,” that he followed Sterne in hisGrandison der Zweite,” which could hardly be possible, forGrandison der Zweitewas first published in 1760, and was probably written during 1759, that is, before Sterne had published Tristram Shandy. Adolph von Knigge is also mentioned by Koberstein as a follower of Sterne, and Baker includes Knigge’sReise nach BraunschweigandBriefe auf einer Reise aus Lothringenin his list. Their connection with Sterne cannot be designated as other than remote; the former is a merry vagabond story, reminding one much more of the tavern and way-faring adventures in Fielding and Smollett, and suggesting Sterne only in the constant conversation with the reader about the progress of the book and the mechanism of its construction. One example of the hobby-horse idea in this narration may perhaps be traced to Sterne. TheBriefe auf einer Reise aus Lothringenhas even less connection; it shares only in the increase of interest in personal accounts of travel. Knigge’s novels, “Peter ClausandDer Roman meines Lebens,” are decidedly not imitations of Sterne; a

Some of our company of the more ignorant sort, thought we might continually haue seene the Sunne and the Moone, had it not bene for two or three high mountaines. The people are now become so warie, and so circumspect, by reason of their former losses, that by no meines we can apprehend any of them, although wee attempted often in this last voyage.

August von Kotzebue, as youthful narrator, betrays a dependence on Sterne in his strange and ingeniously contrived tale, “Die Geschichte meines Vaters, oder wie es zuging, dass ich gebohren wurde.” The influence of Sterne is noticeable in the beginning of the story: he commences with a circumstantial account of his grandfather and grandmother, and the circumstances of his father’s birth.

This is a great and justly honored day a day which is worthy of the veneration in which it is held by the true patriots of all climes and nationalities a day which offers a fruitful theme for thought and speech; und meinem Freunde no, meinEN FreundEN meinES FreundES well, take your choice, they're all the same price; I don't know which one is right also! ich habe gehabt haben worden gewesen sein, as Goethe says in his Paradise Lost ich ich that is to say ich but let us change cars.

Sie sehen hieraus dass zu Ende des Jahres keine höhere Gabe hätte zu mir gelangen können. Es ist dieses Werk mir zu einem goldenen Netz geworden, womit ich die Schattenbilder meines vergangenen Lebens aus den Lethes-Fluthen mit reichem Zuge herauszuforschen mich beschäftige. "Ungefähr dasselbige denke ich in dem nächsten Stücke von Kunst und Alterthum zu sagen."

Swallowed him in the Thames, without a doubt; for you will notice that the last entry in the book is dated 'London, and is of the same date as the Times, and says, 'Ber confequentz der Kreigeseflarun, reife ich heute nach Deutchland ab, aur bak ich mein leben auf dem Ultar meines Landes legen mag' , as clean native German as anybody can put upon paper, and means that in consequence of the declaration of war, this loyal soul is leaving for home to-day, to fight.

Among German literati, Herder is another representative of acquaintance with Sterne and appreciation of his masterpiece. Haym implies that Sterne and Swift are mentioned more often than any other foreign authors in Herder’s writings of the Riga period (November, 1764, to May, 1769). This would, of course, include the first fervor of enthusiasm concerning the Sentimental Journey, and would be a statement decidedly doubtful, if applied exclusively to the previous years. In a note-book, possibly reaching back before his arrival in Riga to his student days in Königsberg, Herder made quotations from Shandy and Don Quixote, possibly preparatory notes for his study of the ridiculous in the Fourth Wäldchen. In May, 1766, Herder went to Mitau to visit Hamann, and he designates the account of the events since leaving there asein Capitel meines Shandyschen Romansand sends it as such tomy uncle, Tobias Shandy.” Later a letter, written 27-16, August, 1766, is begun with the heading, “Herder to Hamann and no more Yorick to Tobias Shandy,” in which he says: “I

Nominative Mein gutER Freund, my good friend. Genitives MeinES GutEN FreundES, of my good friend. Dative MeinEM gutEN Freund, to my good friend. Accusative MeinEN gutEN Freund, my good friend. N. MeinE gutEN FreundE, my good friends. G. MeinER gutEN FreundE, of my good friends. D. MeinEN gutEN FreundEN, to my good friends. A. MeinE gutEN FreundE, my good friends.