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Marsett's presence than of the mention of her name at the Club: and that, he seemed to think, had a shade of excuse against the charge of monstrous. He blamed the young lady who could go twice to visit a Mrs. Marsett; partly exposed a suspicion of her. Dartrey let him talk. They strolled along the parade, and were near the pier.

Marsett's talk, her presence hardly less, affected the girl with those intimations of tumult shown upon smooth waters when the great elements are conspiring. She felt that there was a cause why she had to pity, did pity her. It might be, that Captain Marsett wedded one who was of inferior station, and his wife had to bear blows from cruel people. The supposition seemed probable.

In spite of her turbulent breast's burden to deliver, Mrs. Marsett's feminine acuteness was alive upon Dartrey, confirming here and there Nesta's praises of him. She liked his build and easy carriage of a muscular frame: her Ned was a heavy man. More than Dartrey's figure, as she would have said, though the estimate came second, she liked his manner with her.

You are waiting to hear what I have to tell. That man Major Worrell has tried to rob me of everything I ever had to set a value on: love, I 'd say; he laughs at a woman like me loving. Dartrey nodded, to signify a known sort of fellow. 'She came here. Mrs. Marsett's tears had risen. 'I ought not to have let her come. I invited her for once: I am lonely. None of my sex none I could respect!

Marsett's presence than of the mention of her name at the Club: and that, he seemed to think, had a shade of excuse against the charge of monstrous. He blamed the young lady who could go twice to visit a Mrs. Marsett; partly exposed a suspicion of her. Dartrey let him talk. They strolled along the parade, and were near the pier.

Marsett's talk, her presence hardly less, affected the girl with those intimations of tumult shown upon smooth waters when the great elements are conspiring. She felt that there was a cause why she had to pity, did pity her. It might be, that Captain Marsett wedded one who was of inferior station, and his wife had to bear blows from cruel people. The supposition seemed probable.

One among them, large and dominant, with a playful voice of brass, cried out: 'And how do you do, Mrs. Judith Marsett ha? Beautiful morning? Mrs. Marsett's figure tightened; she rode stonily erect, looked level ahead. Her woman's red mouth was shut fast on a fighting underlip. 'He did not salute you, Nesta remarked, to justify her for not having responded.

But after hearing Judith Marsett's wild sobs, it had no place in her cherishing. For, above all, the unhappy woman protested love to have been the cause of her misery. She moaned of 'her Ned'; of his goodness, his deceitfulness, her trustfulness; his pride and the vileness of his friends; her longsuffering and her break down of patience.

You are waiting to hear what I have to tell. That man Major Worrell has tried to rob me of everything I ever had to set a value on: love, I 'd say; he laughs at a woman like me loving. Dartrey nodded, to signify a known sort of fellow. 'She came here. Mrs. Marsett's tears had risen. 'I ought not to have let her come. I invited her for once: I am lonely. None of my sex none I could respect!

Of all sciences, political economy is contained in the fewest books, and yet is the most difficult to master; because all its higher branches require earnestness of reflection, proportioned to the scantiness of reading. Mrs. Marsett's elementary work, together with some conversational enlargement on the several topics she treats of, will be enough for our present purpose.