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"It is no one's business," said he, "whether I took the money, or did not; whether I spent it or did not spend it, for if every beating I have received in my master's service were to be valued at no more than four maravedis, another hundred crowns would not pay me for half of them.

Sanchica is making bonelace; she earns eight maravedis a day clear, which she puts into a moneybox as a help towards house furnishing; but now that she is a governor's daughter thou wilt give her a portion without her working for it. The fountain in the plaza has run dry. A flash of lightning struck the gibbet, and I wish they all lit there.

Other privileges are: the life-title of governor and captain-general of all places discovered, with an annual salary of three thousand ducats, plus one thousand ducats over and above this sum, to be paid from the incomes and profits accruing to the king from these discoveries, but these shall not be paid unless the incomes and profits reach that figure; his heir shall be governor of two hundred leagues of land, with the same salary and gratification, and under the same condition Stone forts may be built, at his own expense, in such places as he may select, which he and two generations of his heirs shall hold, with an annual salary and gratification of one hundred and fifty thousand maravedis for each one of the forts, to be paid under the same conditions as the foregoing.

The crews were in high spirits, and every seaman was on the look-out, for a pension of ten thousand maravedis had been promised to him who should first discover land. Alonzo Pinzon in the Pinta took the lead.

And then the Cid appointed trusty men in the city who should know to how much the rents amounted, as well those of the land as of the sea; and in every village he placed a knight to protect it, so that none dared do wrong to another, nor take any thing from him. Each of these knights had three maravedis daily.

"For this figure," said Master Pedro, "that is without a nose, and wants an eye, and is the fair Melisendra, I ask, and I am reasonable in my charge, two reals and twelve maravedis."

Therefore when they said the 'Salve, which all the sailors are used to say and sing in their fashion, the Admiral ordered them to look out well from the forecastle, and he would give at once a silk jacket to the man who first saw land, besides the other rewards which the sovereigns had ordered, which were 10,000 maravedis, to be paid as an annuity forever to the man who saw it first.

And he says that the cafiz of wheat was valued at eleven maravedis, and the cafiz of barley at seven maravedis, and that of pulse or other grain at six; and the arroba of honey at fifteen dineros; and the arroba of carobs the third of a maravedi, and the arroba of onions two thirds of a maravedi, and the arroba of cheese two maravedis and a half, and the measure of oil frhich the Moors call maron, a maravedi, and the quintal of figs five maravedis, and the pound of mutton six dineros of silver, and the pound of beef four.

Of the gold coins then in circulation the castellano or dobla de la vanda was worth 490 maravedis, and the ducado 383 maravedis.

Aurora made her appearance bringing gladness to the earth but sadness to Sancho Panza, for he found that his Dapple was missing, and seeing himself bereft of him he began the saddest and most doleful lament in the world, so loud that Don Quixote awoke at his exclamations and heard him saying, "O son of my bowels, born in my very house, my children's plaything, my wife's joy, the envy of my neighbours, relief of my burdens, and lastly, half supporter of myself, for with the six-and-twenty maravedis thou didst earn me daily I met half my charges."