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"'Avaunt, rash youth! cried the priest; 'know that Don Manuel de Manara is dead! is dead! is dead! and we are all souls from purgatory, his deceased relatives and ancestors, and others that have been aided by masses of his family, who are permitted to come here and pray for the repose of his soul!

He ventured, when it was entirely deserted, to approach the fatal spot. A small cross had been nailed against the wall, as is customary in Spain, to mark the place where a murder has been committed; and just below it, he read, by the twinkling light of a lamp: 'Here was murdered Don Manuel de Manara. Pray to God for his soul!

The bier was deposited before the high altar; the funeral service was commenced, and the grand organ began to peal through the vaulted aisles. "Again the youth ventured to question this awful pageant. 'Father, said he, with trembling voice, to one of the priests, 'who is this you are about to inter? "'Don Manuel de Manara! replied the priest.

The thunderstorm, which proverbially accompanies the feast, raged during the night; the French shells flew in all directions; the fight raged fiercer than the storm; Medici held out among the crumbling walls of the Vascello, which had been bombarded for a week; the heroic Manara fell fighting at Villa Spada; Garibaldi, descending into the mêlée, dealt blows right and left: he seemed possessed by some supernatural power.

I have begged General Garibaldi to return to San Pancrazio, so as not to deprive that post at this moment of his legion and his efficacious power. He promises me that before dawn all will be here. Everything is quiet. This was Manara's last letter to Mazzini; at that same Villa Spada the yearned-for bullet pierced his heroic heart. Manara died as the barbarians entered Rome.

"'Senor, said he, 'may I ask the reason of yonder throng? "'A cavalier, replied the other, 'has been murdered. "'Murdered! echoed Don Manuel; 'and can you tell me his name? "'Don Manuel de Manara, replied the stranger, and passed on. "Don Manuel was startled at this mention of his own name; especially when applied to the murdered man.

Above and at the sides are great saints in carved wood, and angels with floating drapery. Murillo was on terms of intimacy with don Miguel de Mañara, and like him a member of the Hermandad. For his friend he painted some of his most famous pictures, which by the subdued ardour of their colour, by their opulent tones, harmonise most exquisitely with the church.

The attempt was not made, probably because it was impossible to march out secretly from any gate, and Manara writes from Villa Spada, 1 P.M. on the same day: "CITIZEN TRIUMVIR: I have received your letter. I am somewhat better and at my post. Both animated by the same spirit, it is impossible for petty jealousies to come between us. Be assured of this.

"'Father, cried Don Manuel, impatiently, 'you are deceived. This is some imposture. Know that Don Manuel de Manara la alive and well, and now stands before you. I am Don Manuel de Manara!

There was a great train of priests, and many persons of dignified appearance, in ancient Spanish dresses, attending as mourners, none of whom he knew. Accosting a servant who followed in the train, he demanded the name of the defunct. "'Don Manuel de Manara, was the reply; and it went cold to his heart.