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It means rugged self-denial, Spartan heroism, perhaps the loss of an "arm" or the "plucking out of an eye." Base must have been the soul which was not attracted by One who "spake as never man spake"; low-minded the man who did not see in Him imperishable beauty and refinement of soul; but ah! discipleship means far more than that. Christ had flown up to heaven.

J. Yes, but not like the earth, this low-minded creature's chosen dwelling. M. The earth is spirit made fruitful, life. And its heart-beats are told in gold and wine. J. Oh! it is shocking to hear such sentiments in these times. I thought that Bacchic energy of yours was long since repressed. M. No!

When I hear some of the programs colored folks put on the radio sometimes I feel just like going out to the woodshed and getting my axe and chopping up the radio, I do! It's natural and graceful to dance, but it is not natural or good to mill around in a low-minded smoky dance hall." "I don't hold it right to put anybody out of church, no ma'm.

He is a very dull person, without the least pretensions to wit; he has a large head, which is sunk between a pair of very broad shoulders, and his appearance is that of a low-minded person; in short, he is a very ugly rogue. And yet the toad does not come of bad blood; he is related to some of the best families. The Duc de Lauzun is his uncle, and Biron his nephew.

"Depend upon it, comrades," cried Ruby, as they pulled away, "that I shall be back again to help you to finish the work on the Bell Rock." "So you will, lad, so you will," cried the foreman. "My blessin' on ye," shouted O'Connor. "Ach! ye dirty villains, ye low-minded spalpeens," he added, shaking his fist at the officers of justice. "Don't be long away, Ruby," cried one.

James often complained to his mother that Frank was a "low-minded, mean fellow," and urged an immediate departure. His mother always yielded to his requests, or rather demands, no matter how unreasonable they might be; and they had scarcely made a visit of a week, when they announced their intention of leaving Lawrence by the "next boat." On the day previous to their departure, Mrs.

The eyes of the trapper, followed every movement of the tomahawk, with the interest of a real father, until at length, unable to command his indignation, he exclaimed "My son has forgotten his cunning. This is a low-minded Indian, and one easily hurried into folly.

And who, he added convincingly, must be a low-minded thief, you know, or he never could have conducted himself as he did. 'And see, said Miss Fanny, 'see what is involved in this! Can we ever hope to be respected by our servants? Never.

He knew the temper of the brutes who had been set upon his track, knew that low-minded Merlin and his noisome ways, and blamed himself severely for having left Anne Mie and Petronelle alone with him even for a few moments. But Anne Mie quickly reassured him. "They have not molested us much," she said, speaking with a visible effort and enforced calmness.

He dislikes to be called a "greeny" or anything that suggests that he is young and inexperienced. Often he pretends to know things he does not. Nearly every boy, at an early age, is thrown in contact with low-minded persons who think it amusing to persuade the youth to prove he knows indecent things.