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It was while George was fitting himself for the same career as his father that of notary that he had made the acquaintance of the young working girl. It may not be easy to believe, but Lizette had really been a decent girl. She had a family to take care of, and was in need.

"Lizette," said she, "has made a delightful visit." And then she told all that I had done, which made the Electress laugh even more than the Queen. She called me to her and said, "Lizette, you have done right; you have revenged us well for the haughtiness of the Princess."

The truth was, however, that George would always be a suspicious husband; nothing could ever change that fact, for there was something in his own conscience which he could not get out, and which would make it impossible for him to be at ease as a married man. It was the memory of something which had happened earlier in his life before he met Lizette.

I made no reply; and leaning forward in the saddle stroked the foam-wet neck that reached out before me, and felt Lizette answer to my touch, as though she knew that life and death lay in her speed. As we raced on I watched the plain to our left, where Simon had vanished, with hot eyes that reached everywhere eyes that missed nothing.

But while Colonel King lay dying a few hours later and Tom King was weeping over his father, Injun Jack appeared and made a revelation that astounded every one. The boy who had been known by that name was Bessie King, the colonel's daughter. You are that girl." Again Lizette tried to force a laugh. "It is so strange a crazee notion," she said. "Why keep it up?" demanded Berlin.

That night, after retiring to his room, Carson sat a long time at the open window, gazing out through the whispering trees toward the fall moon that was rising in the east. The old feeling of sadness and disappointment stole over him and gave him a sensation of uncontrollable loneliness in the world. "I suppose I was mistaken about Lizette," he finally muttered.

"Lizette," said she, "has made a delightful visit." And then she told all that I had done, which made the Electress laugh even more than the Queen. She called me to her and said, "Lizette, you have done right; you have revenged us well for the haughtiness of the Princess."

He offered to his guests not an excellent inn alone, but a magnificent view also, of which he made full use. The evening being warm with a soft and soothing wind, Marie and Lizette set the table in a little garden, in which early flowers were blooming already, offering delicate colors of pink and rose and pale blue. The table was spread with a white cloth, and silver and china were not lacking.

Lizette was hammering at Frank Merriwell's door. "Wake up, monsieur!" she cried. "Mon Dieu, it is such a terrible theeng! Queek! queek! Do come, monsieur!" Her knock and her cries brought Frank forth in pajamas. "What is it what's the matter?" he demanded. The voice of Hodge was heard questioning the cause of the disturbance, and Bart came forth from another room. Lizette seized Merry's arm.

Marshall, was ever a girl so proud of her brother! and they shot Hal and he was found and taken care of by some Indian people, tame ones, and one was a girl, Lizette, who had fallen in love with him four years ago. Wasn't it romantic? And she's gone again, but Hal is safe here, although Mrs. Folsom is more than half-crazy, and now old Mr.