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"I am glad to have heard your narrative, Major," replied Swinton; "for many doubts have been thrown upon the question of the power of the human eye, and your opinion is a very corroborative one." "Do not you imagine that the lion-tamers who exhibit in Europe have taken advantage of this peculiar fact?"

There were the financial tight-rope walkers, and the social lion-tamers, and snake-charmers, and the political acrobats whose falls were unsoftened by any kind of network. There were heat and dust and discomfort, and weary, wretched animals looking out of cages at other weary, tortured animals, that were sometimes scarcely less pachydermatous than themselves.

"You've told me stories about grand-dukes and lion-tamers and financiers' widows and a postmaster in Herzegovina," said the Baroness, "and about an Italian jockey and an amateur governess who went to Warsaw, and several about your mother, but certainly never anything about a saint."

They are lion-tamers, and they themselves are the lions; out of the strong comes forth sweetness, and it is all the sweeter for the strength that is poured into it and subdued by it. What is the difference, as of different worlds, between Rubens at his best and Tintoret at his best?

Nowadays we have many lion-tamers and tiger-tamers, who rely simply upon human will and craft. Therefore it is not astonishing that St. Francis, who relied upon Divine power, should have been able to tame beasts. What is surprising is, that he should have been able to control men, who are so much harder to tame. The poems of St.

And the old lady would explain what a hard and dangerous life was lived by lion-tamers, how their safety depended upon life-long distrustfulness of the creatures over whom they ruled. She would tell stories of the rending and maiming of luckless ones, who had forgotten for a brief moment the nature of the male animal! "Yes, my dear," she would say, "believe in love; but let the man believe first!"

"Or to captains of ocean liners on the bridge in thick fogs," I went on with my illustrations. "What do you know about lion-tamers and captains on ocean liners?" he inquired. "Nothing. But I imagine. I'm always doing a lot of imagining." "Do you think you will while you're with Lady Turnour?" "She hasn't engaged my brain, only my hands and feet." "And your time."

"We thought he'd bin disguising himself, the way he wouldn't be recognised." "You're a fool!" said the captain. "Yes, sorr," said Officer Cassidy, meekly. "So are you, Donahue." "Yes, sorr." Archie's respect for this chappie was going up all the time. He seemed to be able to take years off the lives of these massive blighters with a word. It was like the stories you read about lion-tamers.

I felt that he saw me as an eagle on the wing might see a fly on a boulder toward which he was steering between intervening clouds. "Why shouldn't you dare?" he wanted to know. "One doesn't usually speak to lion-tamers while they're engaged in taming," I murmured, quite surprised at my audacity and the sound of my own voice. The chauffeur laughed. "Oh!" he said.

"In order to secure the affections of wild animals," said the great-hearted painter, "you must love them," and by love she had subdued the ferocious beast whom even the lion-tamers had given up as hopeless.