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Besides, the men who are fit for lion-hunting are generally engaged in hunting their fellow-creatures." "Does the Great King hunt?" inquired Nehushta, languidly sipping her sherbet from a green jade goblet, as she lay among her cushions, supporting herself upon one elbow. "Whenever he has leisure. He will talk of nothing else to you "

"Faith! you wear the look of a good sort of fellow, so I would, rather than not, let you have it. Get you back quickly to Tarascon, Monsieur Tartarin, for you are wasting your time here. There do remain a few panthers in the colony, but, out upon the big cats! they are too small game for you. As for lion-hunting, that's all over.

That royal sport of lion-hunting, practised in old times by kings in Babylon and Nineveh, as those strange monuments in the British Museum bear witness, is the favourite sport of fashionable London to-day. And just at that moment London lacked its regal quarry.

During the summer indeed England is everywhere fishing in the fiords of Norway, sketching on the Kremlin, shooting brigands in Albania, yachting among the Cyclades, lion-hunting in the Atlas, crowding every steamer on the Rhine, annexing Switzerland, lounging through Italian galleries, idling in the gondolas of Venice.

In lion-hunting the harm of having too many men in authority is not so fatal to the success of the expedition as it is in real warfare, where the enemy may have less generals but a larger force of men who will obey their commands. All the successes of the Boer army were the result of the fact that every burgher was a general, and to the same cause may be attributed almost every defeat.

"There might be, of course," he said, after a pause. "Human nature is weak, engagingly weak, Guildea. And you're inclined to flout it. I could understand a certain class of lady the lion-hunting, the intellectual lady, seeking you. Your reputation, your great name " "Yes, yes," Guildea interrupted, rather irritably "I know all that, I know."

Samson, the giant hound, was chained to a little dog, and the others were paired not according to size by any means. The poor dogs were disgusted with the arrangement. It developed presently that Cain, the bloodhound, a strange and wild hound much like Don of my old lion-hunting days, slipped us, and was not missed for hours. Teague decided to send back for him later.

As any of the boys here will tell you, I can handle a forty-five or a Winchester about as well as anybody and big-game hunting really is my forte. Indeed, I may say using one of our homely but expressive colloquialisms that when it comes to lion-hunting I am simply hell!"

But I have not yet regularly described the genus and species of which I am treating. The great lion-hunting bore, and the little lion-loving bore, male and female of both kinds; the male as eager as the female to fasten on the lion, and as expert in making the most of him, alive or dead, as seen in the finest example extant, Bozzy and Piozzi, fairly pitted; but the male beat the female hollow.

The little gentleman's reply angered him. "Do you by any chance fancy that I am going lion-hunting with your umbrella?" queried the great man haughtily. The little man looked at his umbrella, smiled blandly, and still with the same lack of emotion, inquired: "Oho, then you are Monsieur" "Tartarin of Tarascon, lion-killer!"